No one wanted this bike, so Imma keep it! Maybe I'll find time to ride it again one day.

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Well, I did have it evaluated at several shops, then upped my asking price, as I said, only to get serious offers. The thing is, this bike really is quite unique and has REALLY low mileage, and so the exact value is kinda hard to pinpoint. 

Bikes do depreciate in value, but that's under the assumption of regular use and wear, which this bike is almost completely without.

Thanks for reminding me to check out Bicycle Blue Book, though-- after going through their evaluation and listing my upgrades, it came out with a price point very close to what I was getting from the shops.

Barry Niel Stuart said:

Have you checked out what a 2009 Jamis Quest would get through Bicycle Blue Book?  This might give you a realistic evaluation on its worth.  Bicycles do depreciate.

Just dropped the price again. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please don't hesitate to contact me!

The benefit of a higher end customized bike can also be a complication when you try to sell it... personally, I'd ditch the black rims and the carbon stem, so right there I'd be paying for someone I wouldn't even keep. That's the problem with preferences. Either way, it's irrelevant since I'm not personally in the market and already own two steel bikes with Campy components. 

I do think your current price is about spot on, FWIW.

Perhaps add a little emphasis on the fact that the crank is ultra-torque which is no longer an option for Athena, and that it's practically identical to Record. I presume you have the older, better, ultra-shift (multiple shift) Ergos which are no longer available with Athena too? The 2009-2010 Athena was a much better group set than what is currently available.

I'll also point out that the cosmetic stuff is minor. A buffing wheel on a dremel followed by some testor's gloss enamel applied with a tooth pick (and wiped down a day later with a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol) will make the brake lever look new again. The scratches on the RD can be sanded right out. Both are a non-issue, but I admire the seller's honestly and full disclosure. 

Good luck! Sorry I'm not currently in the market!

Thanks for the advice/tips!

I hadn't even realized they downgraded the Athena components after 2010. After some research it looks like you're right: They altered the shifters to the cheaper Power-Shift mechanics of Veloce (fewer gears within a single downshift), and the cranks are no longer Ultra-Torque like mine are. From what research I've done, it sounds like my group set is essentially Chorus & Record rebranded.

Now I feel even worse for never riding it :D

Drewbacca said:

The benefit of a higher end customized bike can also be a complication when you try to sell it... personally, I'd ditch the black rims and the carbon stem, so right there I'd be paying for someone I wouldn't even keep. That's the problem with preferences. Either way, it's irrelevant since I'm not personally in the market and already own two steel bikes with Campy components. 

I do think your current price is about spot on, FWIW.

Perhaps add a little emphasis on the fact that the crank is ultra-torque which is no longer an option for Athena, and that it's practically identical to Record. I presume you have the older, better, ultra-shift (multiple shift) Ergos which are no longer available with Athena too? The 2009-2010 Athena was a much better group set than what is currently available.

I'll also point out that the cosmetic stuff is minor. A buffing wheel on a dremel followed by some testor's gloss enamel applied with a tooth pick (and wiped down a day later with a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol) will make the brake lever look new again. The scratches on the RD can be sanded right out. Both are a non-issue, but I admire the seller's honestly and full disclosure. 

Good luck! Sorry I'm not currently in the market!

Another price drop. $1500/OBO. My loss is your gain.

Been busy, still haven't sold this. Price dropped to $1400/OBO.


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