im looking for a cheap as hell or free seat i could use for a 1980 schwinn traveler i just got? anyone got? lemme know.

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I got a free seat if ya want it. Its from a 1984 Schwinn Collegate. You gonna be at bar nite, if so I can bring it with me.
me too, but i'm not sure where it's from... yours for the taking.
Fantastic. When and where could i pick it up?

Chuck a Muck said:
I got a free seat if ya want it. Its from a 1984 Schwinn Collegate
E A, ill check your out as well. one might be better than the other. who knows. same thing...when and where can i pick up?

E A said:
me too, but i'm not sure where it's from... yours for the taking.
You can come down now I will p.m. ya my addy. Also my seat is in perfect condintion and I will even throw in the seat post

iggi said:
Fantastic. When and where could i pick it up?

Chuck a Muck said:
I got a free seat if ya want it. Its from a 1984 Schwinn Collegate
If the Schwinn seat works out, it sounds better than mine....

Otherwise, you can find me tonight at the Ride of Silence when you sign in. :-)
unfortunately not riding tonight

E A said:
If the Schwinn seat works out, it sounds better than mine....

Otherwise, you can find me tonight at the Ride of Silence when you sign in. :-)
what about the seat that Lisa has from her cannondale?
if i were to buy that one, it would be for Biancha. Chuck has a nice seat coming my way.

shar said:
what about the seat that Lisa has from her cannondale?


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