37.4, does that put me in the lead? :-)

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367.4 after the Third Step Ride. Beans stays in the lead!

I've got 520 miles under my belt so far this year (though the belt doesn't seem to be getting any smaller!). I looked back at my 2013 mileage to this point. Last year I was at 303. I wasn't all that impressed with my increase until I realized how much worse this winter was than last...

just over 1400 miles.

425 commuting miles for me. I'm ok with that.


456 commuting. Probably another 150 or so on errands and goofing off.

Ill be over 1000 on the ride home from work today.

David takes the lead!

I'm not in the competition at all but-- 42! 

Yehaa! Finally road in the sun today!!

That many already, huh.

Domenica Cresap said:

Yehaa! Finally road in the sun today!!

1,232 all on the bloody trainer ...


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