I hate bike thieves.

Had two bikes stolen out of my locked storage area. Appears to have been an inside job (neighbor kid and I have pretty good proof...nothing police can use, but proof nonetheless).

They went right for my storage unit and only took my bikes (my wife's is still there).

I did post on the registry and filed a report with the police. Some very kind people contacted me via text and email and led me to the posting in the Chicago Bike Selling page on FB (https://www.facebook.com/groups/244863329005063/). Sure shit, there were my bikes for sale. $150...for a Bianchi Via Nirone 7 and a Cannondale Synapse 2300. Nice work idiots.

The kind soul who text messaged me that managed to get the thief's number was awesome. I was able to set up a meeting to "buy" my Cannondale back, but turns out the neighbor kid was the spotter. No go. But I did confront the kid calling him a "F-ing idiot" and explaining I knew exactly what he did as he played dumb and quickly scurried back to his friends. I can't wait to keep seeing him as I take my dog out for walks.

I'm going to be working with a detective so they can interview the kid downstairs and try and get the kid selling the bikes. It's hard because you can't see serials in his photos, but it's easy to tell they are mine as I have receipts for both models and colors in my possession...and weird, he was selling them in my neighborhood.

Either way, this was just a rant. Luckily, I have insurance and will be covered (minus a deductible). Pictures of both in case someone sees a kid riding these on the northside. The Bianchi is in rough shape with scrapes on both shifters and the derailleur is completely messed up due to a crash. Good luck to the kid who bought that one.

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There are literally so many posts from Sunday and Saturday that I couldn't browse all the way back to Thursday on my phone, I didn't see it initially. If you see any candidates you can message me. Posts come up on my FB all day long.

h' 1.0 said:

I don't "do" Facebook, but if anyone here is on the Chicago Bike Stealer's page, this seems like a prime candidate:


Just to chime in (h, knows), this was definitely not my bike. I'm glad someone was able to stop this theft in action and hope the bike is returned to its rightful owner soon.

Browsing that facebook group fills me with rage. I can't believe these fuckfaces are getting way with this shit.

I'm 100% with you.

Did they really use pics of themselves next to the bikes they have stolen?  Perfect.  "This guy lives in my building and here he is posting my stolen bikes FS on FB".



Nah, his friend posted it on the FB group page. I think they have this idea in their heads they won't get caught. In this case, they might be in for a surprise (not a good one). I'm not going to give too much here as there is an ongoing police investigation.

Apie (10.6) said:

Did they really use pics of themselves next to the bikes they have stolen?  Perfect.  "This guy lives in my building and here he is posting my stolen bikes FS on FB".




Ran a sting with a buddy of mine and involved the police. Arrest was made. One bike down. One to go. I can post the story if anyone cares to hear it.

Hell, yeah! Let's hear it.

What h' posted (didn't realize SBR posted the follow up like that).

I also have video of it from my GoPro. I'm not going to post that until I can remove the officers' faces from the vid. Good stuff.

Sorry to hear. Is it necessary to lock up ones bike in their apartment or garage? I have a good krytonite u-lock and hope that will be enough.

I forgot to add that it's great to see that one of your bikes has been recovered. It looks like big city coppers do care about minor type crimes.

Hey Eric,

There are few of us that watch the FB page you mention. We never will post stolen stuff there, as it will most likely appear there later - as h' pointed out - if they know you have an idea of where to look, they won't post it. You already posted it in the Find Stolen Bikes Page, so that's good. I would remove it though from the Chicago Fixie page.

Eric R said:

Unfortunately, I've already created a huge ripple in the internets. :) I don't expect to get it back but may have some fun trying to.

h' 1.0 said:

Thanks. You probably want to delete any reference here to that group unless you want the saddle to disappear quickly.

Hey Eric,

I would remove it from the Chicago Sellers Fixie page. Not the Find Stolen Bikes one. Most of those kids don't know to look at the FSB page yet.

Eric R said:

Do you mean delete the posts that I am looking for a Brooks flyer? If so, will do. Thank you (and h') for the advice. I'm still in stolen-saddle-rage-mode.

Chris LaFrombois (8.5 mi - o.w.) said:

Hey Eric,

There are few of us that watch the FB page you mention. We never will post stolen stuff there, as it will most likely appear there later - as h' pointed out - if they know you have an idea of where to look, they won't post it. You already posted it in the Find Stolen Bikes Page, so that's good. I would remove it though from the Chicago Fixie page.

Eric R said:

Unfortunately, I've already created a huge ripple in the internets. :) I don't expect to get it back but may have some fun trying to.

h' 1.0 said:

Thanks. You probably want to delete any reference here to that group unless you want the saddle to disappear quickly.


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