Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Heading south on LFP to the loop this am. Saw just one other cyclist and only 20 runners/walkers. Sections of the path were totally covered with snow.

  Snow is fun & all...I suppose cold is better than scorching...but, sigh, oh to ride fast shorts & a t-shirt...or no shirt (if you're dumb like me).

I got 120+ miles in during the last two weeks ... not here, mind you, too damn cold for me.

Maui's got some decent roads to ride on.

Cant wait to take the LFT home this evening.  I took Clark this morning.  Lovely ride, not too much snow to make it difficult to ride but enjoyed seeing the big flakes floating everywhere.  And of course I wore my trusty goggles.  not much wind either which is always nice.

I rode today. Fell off my bike when my tire got caught in a gash in the road on Wells. I also was threatened by two motorists at once, and subsequently was pulled over by a cop after yelling at them. The woman told me I "almost caused an accident" and recommended I get run over by a car.

Fun times.

   Oh, that sounds glorious. Hammock & beer afterwards....

David Gibbs said:

I got 120+ miles in during the last two weeks ... not here, mind you, too damn cold for me.

Maui's got some decent roads to ride on.

There's so much love out there in the world.  I'm sorry they weren't more understanding.  hope you and your bike didn't get too banged up.
Adam Herstein said:

I rode today. Fell off my bike when my tire got caught in a gash in the road on Wells. I also was threatened by two motorists at once, and subsequently was pulled over by a cop after yelling at them. The woman told me I "almost caused an accident" and recommended I get run over by a car.

Fun times.

I spend all of three blocks on Wells on my route, but I can think of multiple points where that could happen - lots of those nasty longitudinal gashes along there. Trying to cross traffic to turn left can be nerve-racking there, since you might have to take your eyes off the pavement to do so. Glad that you seem to have survived okay.

Adam Herstein said:

I rode today. Fell off my bike when my tire got caught in a gash in the road on Wells. I also was threatened by two motorists at once, and subsequently was pulled over by a cop after yelling at them. The woman told me I "almost caused an accident" and recommended I get run over by a car.

Fun times.

Simon Phearson said:

... lots of those nasty longitudinal gashes along there.

I've noticed that as well. Like a "chain 'o lakes". I imagine that purely as a side effect of the dimensions of the paving contractors' equipment, the seams between ribbons of asphalt fall just about where bikes would roll by, or where bike lanes have been installed. I've noticed the same problem on residential streets in Evanston. Perhaps they can adjust their equipment so that when they repave streets the seams fall elsewhere on the street to lessen this phenomenon.

Thanks everyone. I am fine except for a swollen knee that seems to be getting better as the day progresses.

Wells between North Ave and Lincoln is awful. There are three major potholes that straddle the bike lane and regular lane, and that one long gash that I got caught in. I almost fell a while back getting stuck in that same gash. I wonder if I call 311 if they could get a crew out to patch that spot.

A rough ride in this morning. The slush got caught under my fender, making have to work harder. Combined with the headwind, and I already feel beat up


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