Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I didn't think it was that cold this morning... just as cold as the past two weeks or whatnot... but I did have to stop and change from sunglasses to ski goggles after a few blocks from my apt because my eyes were getting blinky.  blinking too much.  Now that I'm at work I agree with The Grizz, want to go sleep.  I counted 5 cyclists on the way.  Two guys I always see heading south on Clark, the others were total strangers.  who were they? I don't know. 

It isn't that it's particularly colder. It's that the routine of cold is wearing on me. At the same time I'm dreading the initial warm up. It's gonna be a mess.

The Grizz, you nailed it. I'm just tired of being cold at this point. 

That being said, the sun was nice, I heard birds this morning, and Thursday is going to be 37! HOT! HOT! HOT!...and wet...

I enjoy the cold temps... not really getting tired of them.  Mostly I like the gear that goes along with it.  Its more of a challenge.  of course there is a limit of how cold I could ride with what I have, and the poor/dangerous road situations does wear on me, I'll say that much.  but for next winter I plan on being even more prepared with bar mitts, clear/untinted goggles and hopefully some really warm spd boots (if I can find and afford them).  and maybe some studded tires, besides my diy ones, they are worn down already.

It was sunny with no wind. Since my commute is almost entirely on the northside of the LFT, I rode today and it was not bad at all. Saw only one other rider and only a handful of joggers. It's warmer than waiting for the bus!

Thanks everyone who wrote about their commute. It's what I needed to get myself on my bike right now to ride downtown to our shared office space.  Was considering the train, but it's not much faster and a 4 cold block walk to the train.

Amen for group inspiration. Even if everyone said it's too cold and one person shares their semi positive experience, it's enough to motivate me today.

Cold ride this morning, but not any worse than last week. Glad you decided to ride in, Julie!

I know this has been said before, but pushing a 40lb Divvy bike into head win is a hell of a work out. I got more burn than on my fixed gear. Roads were fine and many of the bike lanes are starting to finally clear. 

rwein5 said:

I'm facing the same grind - but we're gonna be so fit when its time to break out our real bikes again.

...salacious jorts and tank tops like visions of sugar-plums dancing in our heads... 

Ride today was fantastic, the morning northerly wind was a treat for my commute. 


  Jorts & tanks...with greased hair & aviators...ha!

T.K. 8.4 mi said:

rwein5 said:

I'm facing the same grind - but we're gonna be so fit when its time to break out our real bikes again.

...salacious jorts and tank tops like visions of sugar-plums dancing in our heads... 

Ride today was fantastic, the morning northerly wind was a treat for my commute. 


done! forgot my helmet though and had to pick up sunglasses at walgreens since the snow and sun were so bright.

ChiBikeGeek said:

Woo Julie! Do it! 

Julie Hochstadter said:

Thanks everyone who wrote about their commute. It's what I needed to get myself on my bike right now to ride downtown to our shared office space.  Was considering the train, but it's not much faster and a 4 cold block walk to the train.

Amen for group inspiration. Even if everyone said it's too cold and one person shares their semi positive experience, it's enough to motivate me today.


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