Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Compared to Ribmos or Conti tour rides, the speed of the Marathon winters 32's are barely if not noticable at all. They are definitely FASTER than the Tour Ride 38's.  I keep them at top PSI (85), and I have not taken them off since I got them at the end of Nov.  I don't feel OR hear them on clear roads.  I just hope they last for at least 3000 miles, but I'm not holding my breath.  I have about 600 miles on them now and I have not lost one stud. My average speed has stayed the same.

There were a few people on bikes out here but they were walking them. My guess is that they did not have cars I drove. It is tiring to see the weather warm up only for it to snow and for it to turn into an ice pack that is not cleared. As much as you guys in the city complain about roads, this is where you are legs up. I don't ride in snowpack or ice on bad roads or on clear road with 2 lanes in each direction with no place for bikes.

Good morning.  Nice ride this morning...  I left a little later so traffic on Clark was a little heavier but nothing crazy.  Had fire truck behind me for a second but it turned just before passing me.  Its a bit hard looking backwards and trying to figure out if you should pull over or not while hearing the siren approach.  I try not to stop until I know its going past me.  Otherwise I waste precious seconds not moving.  Lovely weather and just very slight north wind that I felt against me as I was heading north.

Oui, I did do that thing.

My ride was pretty good, too. No wind at all. Winter is fun & all, but I am looking forward to not wearing so many clothes (chafing action on the inner thighs is crampin' my good times) & riding fast again.

Riding with no wind was awesome.

Yes, riding fast is fun, but you should be careful, especially on ice.  
The Grizz said:

My ride was pretty good, too. No wind at all. Winter is fun & all, but I am looking forward to not wearing so many clothes (chafing action on the inner thighs is crampin' my good times) & riding fast again.
Yes, Robert. Hence the adverb "again". Right now I'm mostly riding slow. Thanks for the advice, though. Even with studded tires I slipped some this morning. With the thaw/freeze there's ice action everywhere.

I was sweating today, guess I overdressed.

I would have to say I was almost perfectly dressed for the temp... except my head was hot, but I had on two balaclavas...  but with only one id have had a cold head.  I guess Id rather have a hot head than a cold one. 

 Julie Hochstadter said:

I was sweating today, guess I overdressed.


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