Stopping off for dinner at my favorite Pakistani place (Shan's grocery) at Sheridan/Foster I locked up next to this bike with both wheels and the seat missing.  It looks to be a very nice bike from the components (brakes, gearshift) and condition.  Now I suppose someone will say that maybe the person was just leaving the bike here and took the wheels/seat with them but that would be strange behavior (in the winter?). Not sure if the picture shows it but the bike looks quite new - lock doesn't even have a scratch on it.  I'm assuming either it happened just before I got there or elelse the owner just abandoned it.

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Probably been there awhile.  Wheels and seats can be easily removed even without tools.

Sorry to say, but it's not a very nice bike.  Looks like a low-end multispeed hybrid from one of the big companies that someone tried to use as a commuter.  The adjustable stem, flat handlebars and grip shifters are a dead giveaway.  Most of those bikes come with quick release seat and wheels, which is exactly what's missing.  It's easy to get a quick release front wheel or seat off in about 10 seconds, maybe 20 for the rear.  Looks like a crime (or crimes) of opportunity.  The seat may have taken longer, as it looks like it was locked with a cable, but a cable that thin is no match for a good set of angle cutters.  The fact that the frame is in decent shape doesn't mean it hasn't been there awhile.  It's an aluminum frame (so no rust) and the clearcoat on the newer bikes tends to stay in good shape in lots of different conditions.

Just reinforces the fact that ANY quick release mechanisms on bikes are easy pickins for thieves.


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