I am looking for a 1/4" inch P-Clamp to mount a light to a rack-strut. I found them online, but shipping costs are prohibitive. I also stopped at the Crafty Beaver, but they did not carry them.

Any thought on where I can find these locally? Any bike shops stock  P-Clamps in 1/4"? This is an example of what I am looking for:

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I was looking for these a while back and did not have any luck finding them in Chicago. No hardware store I tried locally had ever heard of them in any size. Some bike shops carried them, but usually only the larger sizes intended for use around a seat-stay. McMaster-Carr has them in every conceivable size and will ship them out very quickly for around $5 shipping (search for "vinyl-coated loop clamps").

Home Depot next to the cable ties & zip ties - They're not actually called p-clamps, you'll just get a blank stare asking for those...

Or Blvd Bikes for your LBS option. 

Cycle Smithy has them at least in sizes that will fit a seat stay. They mounted the rack on my bike a few months back and I needed them. You can try giving them a call to see if they have in the size that you need.  

+1.  Kelvin pointed me to Home Depot as well, which is where I picked some up to mount my rear rack. (http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/full-time-road-bike-fender...)

Kelvin Mulcky said:

Home Depot next to the cable ties & zip ties - They're not actually called p-clamps, you'll just get a blank stare asking for those...

I picked up the nylon version of these for a similar project. I bit the bullet and ordered a pack of 50 or 100 from McMaster Carr. I don't remember the size at the moment (I can check when I get home); however, I used them on a strut of my Nitto rear rack. You are welcome to have a hand full of them if you like. I work downtown if you want to meet up sometime.

Menards has them.  They are made by GB-Gardner Bender.   They used to be in the electrical aisle but lately they have been stocking them in near the nuts/bolts and other fasteners for some reason.  If you can't find them just ask an associate.

They cost $0.99 and for the smaller sizes you get two in a package.

1/2" Rubber Insulated Clamp

3/4" Rubber Insulated Clamp

1" Rubber Insulated Clamp

Home Despot also has them, but they charge 50-100% more for everything than Menards does.  

There are other sizes but these 3 that Menards stocks pretty much will do anything you need to do on a bicycle.  If you want another size McMaster Carr has them online. 

It appears that both THD and Menards offerings start at 3/8" diameter, which is too big. At least that is what their websites show.

I think I'll call some bike shops see what they have to offer.

I guess you'll need to order from Tubus or Nitto to get them in the metric sizes. :)

I have had very good luck building up the tube with a little bit of carefully applied vinyl tape.  Don't stretch it one tiny bit when laying it down, and lay each wrap exactly over the last and it'll stay put in my experience. 

I tried. Metric sizes must be utterly confusing to us Americans. So much so, that Rivbike, instead of mentioning the size in mm, just calls them tiny, medium and huge...


Kelvin Mulcky said:

I guess you'll need to order from Tubus or Nitto to get them in the metric sizes. :)

Not all of us are clueless about metric.

It's useful to use, no doubt, and much less confusing in the end. 

But seeing as the USA wasn't destroyed in WW2 (and much of its infrastructure, industry, tooling, and commercial buildings were already in place after industrializing) switching everything over would have been pretty tough and expensive.  It was hard enough for Canada to do it and they were not very built up, industrially, at that time. 

At least we never used Whitworth fasteners here in the USA.  Those crazy Brits!

I picked up some 3/8"s last night at THD. They definitely are somewhat big, but with 2 layers of old tubing added, it sits very solid.
When I order again from VO I might order some smaller ones, but for now I am good.


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