Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yea, my safety glasses fogged up then the fog froze and I got wierd ice crystals across the lenses.



Me, too. I wiggled the derailleur until it snapped free, but that did not help, so I figured out that it must be the cable. A few yanks set it free. Whew.

h' 1.0 said:

And my rear derailleur stuck in a low gear...

The LFT from Lakeview to Oak St. Was in pretty good shape.  I passed the plow truck on it this morning, so should be in better shape this afternoon.

Winter and its effects on derailleurs and freewheels is why I switched to a fixed gear about 10 years ago. 

Gene Tenner said:

Me, too. I wiggled the derailleur until it snapped free, but that did not help, so I figured out that it must be the cable. A few yanks set it free. Whew.

h' 1.0 said:

And my rear derailleur stuck in a low gear...

Clark street heading north to Evanston was okay but dang, the headwind was fierce.

I think if I had studded tires I could have handled the path. There was about 2" of crunchy snow covering it and my smooth tires could find purchase whatsoever.  

Since I am new to the area, I have never not taken the path so I made up my alternate route as I went. I took a combination of MLK, State, and Dearborn to get to my office.

I rode up the south end of the LFP from 55th to Grand around 8am and there were a few spots around the bend at 39th street and by Burnham, but nothing really that bad. (I admit I had to push my bike for about 50 feet at 39th, but otherwise I never had to get off.) 

I didn't go behind the Shedd though as that section is usually not in the best shape in the AM after a snow (I still have a scar on my earlobe to prove it.)

I, too, once lost my keys.

yup, I take clark into Evanston from uptown.  Its been plowed pretty well during all this snow I think, the only really tight squeeze it that part next to the grave yard, but usually I can jump in the middle of the lane during the pause between traffic.  This morning had some heavy wind, I thought it was trying to push me back into my apartment.   I wish I had a fatbike with studded tires.  then it wouldn't really matter what the street was like.  Also, in response to freezing freewheels and derailleurs, I greased all my cables and now they don't freeze.  but my freewheel mechanism does freeze open on the coldest couple days this year so far.  I had to kick it a bunch of times to make it work on that one day when it was like -35.  
Liz W. Durham said:

Clark street heading north to Evanston was okay but dang, the headwind was fierce.

The best route from hp to the loop I've found is drexel to 39th and a short jog over to cottage grove and that north to 35th then west on 35th to state and that the rest of the way to the loop.  Drexel is a nice wide boulevard that doesn't get much traffic and is plowed nicely.  Also, it's nice to see a bunch of homes that would easily go for a million if they were on the north side.

Simon Phearson said:

I didn't take the trail this morning - -1 with a 20 mph headwind for the northbound commute seemed like it might be too much for my gear - but I saw the situation developing on the trail last night, and I can't imagine it was very pretty by this morning. Based on past experience, I feel like there's a good chance they'll do some clean-up over the course of the day, but given that it wasn't a major snow yesterday I kind of wonder if it'll even occur to them.

What alternative route did you take after leaving the trail? MLK? I've puzzled over good alternative routes, and that seems like the most logical one, though I don't know how I'd get through the south loop on my way to my office.

It must have been really bad if you bailed at 39th - 39th can be horrible, but it usually gets better after that, doesn't it? I usually feel like you get back to civilization once you hit about 35th.
Ryan Stahlman said:

Wow, that was a cold ride. Headed up the LFP from Hyde Park but had to turn off of it at the 39th St bridge. The path had too much crusty snow for me to proceed. Anyone think that the trail will be cleared over the course of the day?

Bike getting stuck in a low gear in cold weather? Get a fixie, then you always be stuck in one gear! :-)

Tony Adams 7 mi said:

Winter and its effects on derailleurs and freewheels is why I switched to a fixed gear about 10 years ago. 

Gene Tenner said:

Me, too. I wiggled the derailleur until it snapped free, but that did not help, so I figured out that it must be the cable. A few yanks set it free. Whew.

h' 1.0 said:

And my rear derailleur stuck in a low gear...

I got a flat tire about 2 miles into the ride this morning.  Had to hoof it over to the Blue Line for the remainder of the way in.


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