How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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Saw a handful.  There was one other bike in our building parking area.

I saw two this morning.

I saw one other, north of Addison on Milwaukee.  Same guy I see everyday.  He is hardcore!



So are you, then. :-)

Apie (10.6) said:

 He is hardcore! 

As are you! 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

So are you, then. :-)

Apie (10.6) said:

 He is hardcore! 

Saw my neighbor walking his bike down the snowy walk as I left and three folks on route. It's clear and if not you can cut right through the slush. It's downright balmy out there!

I was surprised to see only four or five on Milwaukee this morning and no one on any other part of my route.  It was a great morning for a bike ride!

i saw 6

I saw none one my 2 mile Divvy ride last night up Sheffield and Clark.

At least 5 on my ride from Hyde Park.

5, 3 of which were in the last mile of my 7.5 mile commute to River North.

One, riding east bound on Lawrence Ave. by Pulaski.


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