Just got this email, so don't plan to ride Divvy home today:




Good morning.

Due to the weather, we will temporarily close Divvy at 12:00PM on Thursday, January 2, 2014 to protect the safety of our members and staff. No bikes can be rented after the temporary closure has begun, though any bikes in use at the time can be returned to any Divvy station with an available dock.

If you have any question about whether the system is open or closed, please call to speak with a Member Service Representative at 1-855-55-DIVVY (553-4889). You can also find the latest updates on the
Divvy website, Facebook, and Twitter. Members will also be informed of closure and re-opening via email.

In December, we served nearly 45,000 trips, and we're looking forward to serving many more this winter.

Thank you again for your support and understanding.  


- The Divvy Team and the Chicago Department of Transportation






Divvy is Chicago's newest transit system with thousands of bikes available to you 24/7. With hundreds of stations across the city, Divvy is convenient, fast, fun, and affordable.


Visit DivvyBikes.com or find us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or Tumblr



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Divvy | 711 SE Grand | Portland | OR | 97214


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Do people really read the "fine print"?  I think it's extremely small for a reason.

It is small for a reason, so dumb people don't read it and end up signing things they don't fully understand.

El Dorado said:

Do people really read the "fine print"?  I think it's extremely small for a reason.

I have two bikes in riding condition at the moment. I choose among those and Divvy depending on my needs. If I am riding between home and the office I will often ride my bike because I can take it inside to a secure area at both locations. I might also take my bike downtown because I can park it in the Cycle Center. Finally, I might take my bike on a longer 'there-and-back' trips because I don't leave it at any point.

For anything else, it's Divvy. That means running errands, getting to/from the 'el, picking up a car, running to the store for anything light, meeting someone, etc. The best thing about Divvy is I don't have to worry about my bike being locked up. It drives me absolutely insane to think someone might be impressed by the logo on my crank enough to remove it with the help of a simple 8mm hex key. Or anything else for that matter. Beyond not worrying about a locked up bike, Divvy lets me readily change my form of transportation as needed. It's a huge plus to break the tie between yourself and a bicycle. This could be especially true for someone who can't shower at work but can shower after the commute home. Lastly, Divvy's massive wheels and fenders make for great wet-weather (summer or winter) riding and lower my maintenance needs.

I do think that Divvy will serve as a gateway to many people and I think that's great. But I also think limiting the system to such a limited purpose would be unfortunate. Divvy can serve cyclists in so many ways beyond the occasional leisure ride or the low-commitment trial ride. The bikes have the ability to be the work-horse of cyclists city-wide. But we have to keep them reliable to achieve that purpose.

Even though I do appreciate you making the point that there might be station and operation issues right now, I think the most appropriate assumption is that Divvy is "still learning" rather than destined only for use in limited ways. That's just my opinion.

notoriousDUG said:

Bike share on the other hand, I think, helps to teach people who do not normally ride a bike, or are not yet aware of how useful a bike is for transportation, to see just how easy and simple it is to get around by bike.  I have talked to a few people who don't really ride, including my parents, who used Divvy for a short trip and were surprised by how easy it was to get around by bike as well as how a bike 'shrinks' the city.  I think that these people are learning how practical it is to use a bike to get around and as rental times and limited station locations start to impede them using a bike for trips they now recognize as bikeable they may end up making the jump to owning their own bike for the extra freedom it provides.

I think if they gave a refund it would be construed by some (like yours truly) as an apology. I don't think they want to admit that they made a mistake. But if they did, they should be clever enough to offer it as a discount for extending your membership another year because it's in everyone's interest.

El Dorado said:

It's great that Divvy is opened. But has anyone else called them & asked about getting a refund for the 2 days it was closed?

Not sure why you think my name is Jeremy, it isn't. Don't have an inside source but given that Divvy was open during the previous snowfalls including the black-ice-palooza a few weeks back, I think Divvy has been pretty willing to stay open despite adverse conditions.

h' 1.0 said:

Hey Jeremy,

I called Divvy to ask about the criteria and reasoning behind this and future shutdowns, and all I got was "IT'S VERY VERY DANGEROUS TO RIDE A BIKE ON SNOW AND ICE" over and over again.

Wondering if you have an inside source here, or where this is coming from.

S said:

No, I don't think people are arguing against that strawman that Divvy should never shutdown.  Instead they are arguing that sometimes unforseen situations result in shutdowns with little notice.  I think Divvy wanted to remain open but after the snow fall caused a worse impact on the streets and operations than expected they decided to close down.  

When you sign up online, right above the place where you entire your credit card info is the rental agreement.  The weather/opening stuff is in there.  

h' 1.0 said:

Where can I find this "user agreement ding-dong?"

All I got when I signed up was a key fob.

notoriousDUG said:

Read your user agreement ding-dong, it says right in it that they strive for 365 service but cannot always give it.  In other words when you signed up you agreed to enter the program aware that there was a possibility that the service you paid for may not always be in service.

El Dorado said:

It's great that Divvy is opened. But has anyone else called them & asked about getting a refund for the 2 days it was closed?

So just for shits & giggles did you look to see that agreement? Also, in my membership packet is a couple of information brochures, & some free day passes. Do you mean to twll me that all you got was just your lousy fob in an envelope? WOW! Now I do get why you are so pissed...said no one ever.

Probably because the people complaining the closure have the same attitude as that person that starts yelling at gate agents when a flight is cancelled due to weather or something similar.  

h' 1.0 said:

Why are the people who think it's fine for Divvy to arbitrarily close without much of an explanation so much angrier than the people who think it's not? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Divvy's closing again.

With severe winter temperatures on the horizon for Monday and Tuesday of this week, we will be temporarily closing Divvy at 3:00 PM this afternoon (Sunday, January 5th). Given what some forecasters are calling "life-threatening" wind chills, we feel it is appropriate to suspend service for the safety of our riders and our staff.  


As with our first closure late last week, we'll re-open the system once conditions are safe and stations are operational. 


We realize this is our second closure within a week and would like to assure you that we expect to be open on most days this winter, just as we were open every day in December when we happily served nearly 45,000 trips.

If you have any question about whether the system is open or closed, please call to speak with a Member Service Representative at 1-855-55-DIVVY (553-4889). You can also find the latest updates on the Divvy website
Facebook, and Twitter. We welcome your feedback or thoughts by email atinfo@divvybikes.com

Please stay warm and safe! 


- The Divvy Team and the Chicago Department of Transportation

Divvy is Chicago's newest transit system with thousands of bikes available to you 24/7. With hundreds of stations across the city, Divvy is convenient, fast, fun, and affordable.
Visit DivvyBikes.com or find us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or Tumblr
This email was sent to aherstein@gmail.com by info@divvybikes.com  
Divvy | 711 SE Grand | Portland | OR | 97214


Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Divvy's closing again.

If you have been outsude today, you will understand why they ae closing. Of it's only with nearly four hours notice. Nothing but excuses, what is this world coming to...said no one ever except h 1.0.

I wonder how much money Divvy is saving by staying closed per day?  Strolling by a few Divvy stations I saw a bunch of tires with low air pressure.


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