Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yeah, what is it about Damen?  I rode all over last night doing Christmas errands and Damen was the worst arterial street.  Even the car lane wasn't good.

yaj 7.4 said:

Yep, and I'm grateful to all the drivers who didn't beep or menace me when I took the lane on Damen tonight.  I was avoiding the tire sucking slush in the bike lane. 

Maybe the city doesn't consider it an arterial? :-)

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

Yeah, what is it about Damen?  I rode all over last night doing Christmas errands and Damen was the worst arterial street.  Even the car lane wasn't good.

My regular commuting bike was out of service this morning and so I rode my Pinarello to work today. Two observations:

  1. It feels soooo nice to ride a nice lightweight bike after being on my commuter/winter bike for so long. The ride downtown almost felt effortless. 
  2. FENDERS! Fenders are worth their weight in gold on days like this. I never really appreciated having them until arriving to work today covered in gunk from tip to tail. And, the fancy bike got all dirty too....

Fenders are really great - most of the time. On Monday I found my 87 Voyageur grinding to a near halt as the fenders got jam packed with snow!

Kelvin Mulcky said:

My regular commuting bike was out of service this morning and so I rode my Pinarello to work today. Two observations:

  1. It feels soooo nice to ride a nice lightweight bike after being on my commuter/winter bike for so long. The ride downtown almost felt effortless. 
  2. FENDERS! Fenders are worth their weight in gold on days like this. I never really appreciated having them until arriving to work today covered in gunk from tip to tail. And, the fancy bike got all dirty too....

Your Pinarello was probably really mad at you for subjecting him to the ignominy of being pressed into commuting duty. :-)

Kelvin Mulcky said:

My regular commuting bike was out of service this morning and so I rode my Pinarello to work today. Two observations:

  1. It feels soooo nice to ride a nice lightweight bike after being on my commuter/winter bike for so long. The ride downtown almost felt effortless. 
  2. FENDERS! Fenders are worth their weight in gold on days like this. I never really appreciated having them until arriving to work today covered in gunk from tip to tail. And, the fancy bike got all dirty too....

Stuck until spring?

Just before sunrise:

Lovely morning for a bike ride.

Shall we start a photo competition between Skip and Gene?  Gentlemen, your photos are greatly appreciated.

And I did ride today--a veritable heat wave.

It's a shorts day! (with cycle tights underneath)...

Thanks JM.  I had a suspicion that I wasn't twisting it hard enough.
JM 6.5 said:

You're right - 3 is the highest gear.  I like to think of changing Divvy gears to the throttle on a motorcyle - rotate my hand towards my body to shift up a gear as you would increase the throttle on a motorcycle; rotate your hand away from your body to shift down.

I'm surprised to hear you had a problem shifting.  Hopefully it was just the one bike.  I've been riding Divvy for the past few weeks (at least since the salt trucks came out) and haven't had any mechanical issues in the cold or slush.

yai danche said:

I tried to ride Divvy today, but got frustrated trying to change the gear.  I figured it was a grip twist, but couldn't get it to move.  N00b question: is 3 the highest resistance gear?  Anyways I gave up, docked it, and took the CTA.  

I don't hold a candle to Gene.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Shall we start a photo competition between Skip and Gene?


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