Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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The path is clear with the exception of the usual spots at fullerton and oak st to grand.  The bypass on fullerton is clear though.  Strangely enough the sidewalk and bridge over the Chicago river just south of Navy Pier is full of slush and snow and hasn't been touched although just south of the bridge the path is perfect, not sure if there's some sort of jurisdictional issues between the Parks district and CDOT there or not.  There's some patches of snow south of the museum campus but most of the path is bone dry and my only complaint would be that the parks district oversalted things.

Anika said:

How's the lakefront path heading south from downtown? I'll need to head to Hyde Park from Logan Square on Thursday and want to have my route prepared.

Forget about riding today.  Who's riding tomorrow given the 2" or snow that's supposed to fall just before and during rush hour.

The snow that presumably will fall on top of the already piled up ice in the bike lanes and alongside the parked cars and that will then be plowed over the piles of ice and when it drops to zero will turn into even bigger piles of ice. :-)  I want last winter back.
S said:

Forget about riding today.  Who's riding tomorrow given the 2" or snow that's supposed to fall just before and during rush hour.

Not likely. Overnight snow typically is a problem because plows won't get to the snow before the morning commute, and even if they do, the bike lanes will still be messy. I can always Divvy home if it gets better by the afternoon.

S said:

Forget about riding today.  Who's riding tomorrow given the 2" or snow that's supposed to fall just before and during rush hour.

Me. If there's a lot of snow, I stay on the train all the way into Union Station then go west on Adams, which is usually plowed. Normally I'd get off at Western Avenue and take the side streets, but they don't get cleared as fast.


S said:

Forget about riding today.  Who's riding tomorrow given the 2" or snow that's supposed to fall just before and during rush hour.

Not me. Now screen clearance on some paths I take.

Who will be riding on Wed. night? (11/10/13) with temperatures dipping below 2 degrees and 20 degrees below with the windshield factor

Wind chill advisory tonight:


I was a bit disappointed.  Threw the studded tires on expecting more snow.  Granted, Forest Glen didn't disappoint.  Completely unplowed in places, so slow going.  But the rest of the ride was uneventful, except for my Lake winter boots aren't worth the money.  Toes still cold, and colder ride home.

I rode today to set my personal cold record.  11 F was the previous, I should smash it tonight.

According to Ukranian friend, Russian word that means "to harden oneself like steel with the cold" is "zakalyatsya".

I saw your similar post on the "I rode today. Did you?" thread.  Made me think: can we merge these discussions somehow?  I like reading both, but they seem to overlap on content a lot, especially during winter.

Madopal (5.8 mi) said:

I was a bit disappointed.  Threw the studded tires on expecting more snow.  Granted, Forest Glen didn't disappoint.  Completely unplowed in places, so slow going.  But the rest of the ride was uneventful, except for my Lake winter boots aren't worth the money.  Toes still cold, and colder ride home.

I rode today to set my personal cold record.  11 F was the previous, I should smash it tonight.

According to Ukranian friend, Russian word that means "to harden oneself like steel with the cold" is "zakalyatsya".

Good idea.  Wasn't sure who was reading what.  Sorry for the cross duplication.  Left the wintery term here.

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

I saw your similar post on the "I rode today. Did you?" thread.  Made me think: can we merge these discussions somehow?  I like reading both, but they seem to overlap on content a lot, especially during winter.

Madopal (5.8 mi) said:

I was a bit disappointed.  Threw the studded tires on expecting more snow.  Granted, Forest Glen didn't disappoint.  Completely unplowed in places, so slow going.  But the rest of the ride was uneventful, except for my Lake winter boots aren't worth the money.  Toes still cold, and colder ride home.

I rode today to set my personal cold record.  11 F was the previous, I should smash it tonight.

According to Ukranian friend, Russian word that means "to harden oneself like steel with the cold" is "zakalyatsya".

Maybe check out a Walgreens or CVS for the disposable, chemical hand/toe warmers for the ride home.  They do work and you could avoid frozen feet!
Madopal (5.8 mi) said:

I was a bit disappointed.  Threw the studded tires on expecting more snow.  Granted, Forest Glen didn't disappoint.  Completely unplowed in places, so slow going.  But the rest of the ride was uneventful, except for my Lake winter boots aren't worth the money.  Toes still cold, and colder ride home.

I rode today to set my personal cold record.  11 F was the previous, I should smash it tonight.

According to Ukranian friend, Russian word that means "to harden oneself like steel with the cold" is "zakalyatsya".


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