The Chainlink

Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Not that bad in the 'burbs. Colder than the city I think but less traffic and probably less dangerous ice. Did ride slow through the parks. Until today I found I was still too hot. Thermal shirt and wind breaker was sufficient. Still find my quads get cool but I will work it out. Most drivers are very polite but that may be because I give right of way.

Me, me.

Why can't you wear your goggles in the summer?

Reba 4.0 mi said:

I'm so excited that it's cold enough to wear my goggles again!

Every winter since '05/'06 :)

Live to ride, ride to live.

"Work to live, live to ride, ride to work"  :-)

Boy, it was cold this morning. I had 11 degrees F on my outdoor thermometer. A good balaclava works wonders.


Fran Kondorf said:

Live to ride, ride to live.

Any recommendations on a good balaclava?

I'm using a Buff now, in combination with a fleece cycling cap, and I think I could do better. I'm mostly interested in avoiding chapped lips, so I guess I'm looking for something that I can cover my mouth with and still breath easily. Or, maybe some good non-drying chapstick...

Steve Weeks said:

"Work to live, live to ride, ride to work"  :-)

Boy, it was cold this morning. I had 11 degrees F on my outdoor thermometer. A good balaclava works wonders.


Today I was wearing a Pearl Izumi one, with the word "Barrier" on the outside, FWIW. It's comfortable, fits under the helmet and when I breathe through my mouth my lips stay moist and my glasses don't fog. The panel which you breathe through is more porous than the rest of the thing so wind doesn't get through very much.

There was another kind which I liked better... it was made by Nike and was in their "Dri-Fit" line. The thing I liked about it was that it had two seams across the top of the head. All the other ones have a seam down the middle, which leaves a "Harry Potter"-like impression on my forehead. The Nike's seams were off to the sides, so that didn't happen. Nike makes lots of balaclavas, but I have been unable to find this particular one for several years.


Kelvin Mulcky said:

Any recommendations on a good balaclava?

I use a skin care product called Aquaphor for my lips. It works far better than Chapstick especially when it is really cold.

When i want to cover my face, I supplement the fleece cap I wear under my helmet with an old fleece headband that I found lying around years ago. Instead of wearing it around my brow, I wear it so that it goes over the top of the back of my head and covers my cheeks and mouth. My jacket takes care of my neck and I am still able to control airflow in and out of my torso through the neck to avoid overheating. I actually like this better than the balaclava that I have.

I plan to ride throughout winter as I usually do, but less mileage than in warmer months. I've taken a couple of Divvy trips this week.

I have to drive for my job, but plan to continue to bike for errands/fun through the winter just like I do in summer, except with a few more layers.


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