(this would be a good use of a poll feature if there was one, so users could respond anonymously)

I have not yet made use of Divvy but will very likely be perusing Denver's B-Cycle on an upcoming trip.... looking to travel light and not excited about dragging a helmet along... plus the friend I'm going with doesn't own one as far as I know.

So are you generally carrying a helmet around with you? Or have you just got comfortable going without? Or some other solution I am not touching on?


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Foldable (flat) bicycle helmet:  Morpher Indigogo

US certification: not sure

This helmet collapses and is US certified: http://closca.co/

Rather dapper as well!

That closca helmet looks very promising:

though I have to believe the nesting ring design was at least partially inspired by these guys:

The beau and I are headed to vacation in Europe.  We intend to ride Velib in Paris and rent bikes for the wine route in Colmar.  I'm trying to convince him we need to take our helmets on our transatlantic trip. 

I keep a helmet at my office for Divvy rides. 


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