Just ran across an article on this product: http://www.hammerhead.io/

It's a T-shaped handlebar-mounted lightbar that shows you where to turn on a ride powered by a routing app on your smartphone.

Looks like a good advantage over having to check your phone for directions every now and then when in unfamiliar territory.

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You really need to learn that there is a difference between thinking something is ugly and hate.  You do not have to be hateful to think that something is not good looking.

Andrew Bedno said:

Oh for gods sake Doug, can't you let ANYTHING on TCL go without wiping your ass on it?!?!?  SERIOUSLY!  We're all WAY beyond exhausted with your stench.  Show us you can grow and change.  Take this opportunity to let a thread actually evolve without you cyberbully bombing it. Then make a habit of it.  We'd all love you extra for it. M'K?  I'm out.

So you are speaking for ALL members of The Chainlink when you say that?  EVERYONE agrees with you? 

There are tons of things I do not 'shit on' or even comment on here and tons more I add something constructive to.

I think a better question here is why is you cannot handle any kind of negative comment about anything you do?

Why does it bother you so much for people to disagree with you? 

I honestly believe your life could be improved if you had just a little bit of moxie and were willing to take some negative comments in stride.
Andrew Bedno said:

Oh for gods sake Doug, can you let ANYTHING on TCL go without wiping your ass on it?!?!?  SERIOUSLY!  We're all WAY beyond exhausted with your stench.

notoriousDUG, I brought this up before & will mention it one last time. Your words are offensive. Maybe not in face to face conversation, but they are offensive here in written form. Often you offend someone, and they react to it, and then you respond in two parts. First part of your response is usually defending your position, and the second part is attacking. That makes me wonder why you are so aggressive so often.. Anyhow, this was an observation, do whatever you want with it.

notoriousDUG said:

So you are speaking for ALL members of The Chainlink when you say that?  EVERYONE agrees with you? 

There are tons of things I do not 'shit on' or even comment on here and tons more I add something constructive to.

I think a better question here is why is you cannot handle any kind of negative comment about anything you do?

Why does it bother you so much for people to disagree with you? 

I honestly believe your life could be improved if you had just a little bit of moxie and were willing to take some negative comments in stride.
Andrew Bedno said:

Oh for gods sake Doug, can you let ANYTHING on TCL go without wiping your ass on it?!?!?  SERIOUSLY!  We're all WAY beyond exhausted with your stench.

This is an open forum on the internet, if something offends you, MOVE ON

David, EXACTLY my point

Julie, I use a garmin 810 to both navigate and track the metrics of my rides/training. I did choose the 810 over the less expensive models for the live maps and GPS directions. While the navigation route is running the screen will change to a direction arrow and flash to get your attention, there is also an audible BEEP when a turn is getting close and then a second series of 3 tones once you have arrived at the turn. This means you do not have to stare at the screen. 

Cell phone apps have come a long way in usefulness and integration. The limiting factor on this has always been battery life. A 2-3 hour ride will kill most smartphone's battery and leave you both lost with no way to call for help. I need the navigation feature more when I am further away from home. The garmin battery has  made it all the way through double century days.


A double century is how long? 6-8 hours?

Can your garmin be charged using an USB battery while using it?

Michael A said:

This is an open forum on the internet, if something offends you, MOVE ON

David, EXACTLY my point

Julie, I use a garmin 810 to both navigate and track the metrics of my rides/training. I did choose the 810 over the less expensive models for the live maps and GPS directions. While the navigation route is running the screen will change to a direction arrow and flash to get your attention, there is also an audible BEEP when a turn is getting close and then a second series of 3 tones once you have arrived at the turn. This means you do not have to stare at the screen. 

Cell phone apps have come a long way in usefulness and integration. The limiting factor on this has always been battery life. A 2-3 hour ride will kill most smartphone's battery and leave you both lost with no way to call for help. I need the navigation feature more when I am further away from home. The garmin battery has  made it all the way through double century days.

Due to injury I have not done a double this year, but the last one I did last july was 12 hrs riding time and 14 hrs total. You can use a USB external battery to charge and run the garmin for longer or multi day rides.

Garmin has now released a new model geared more towards touring for a lot less money but $300 is still a serious investment


That generator's awesome.  Available now for $99.  External batteries were common on the Perimeter ride.  I got 15+ hours of route guidance and broadcast using massup.us that way.
I maintain a list of bike nav apps and sites here.

Does this allow you to download maps that i created on a pc and get turn by turn navigation for that?
I see them online for $250.

Michael A said:

Due to injury I have not done a double this year, but the last one I did last july was 12 hrs riding time and 14 hrs total. You can use a USB external battery to charge and run the garmin for longer or multi day rides.

Garmin has now released a new model geared more towards touring for a lot less money but $300 is still a serious investment


Duppie, yes, but they have to be in a certain format, I think .fit works best. Garmin has a suite of free software that you can use to create a route. Garmin base camp  


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