Lazer o2. Performance had them this summer, tried one on. Most comfortable and best looking helmet I've ever had. Fits low around the head but not too low and doesn't have a very wide profile when looking at if from the front. Definitely a road helmet if that suits your taste. They are one sizes fits all and although there is a wide range in adjustability it may not fit the smallest of heads.
from The Beret Project, although I'm not sure this is really an improvement over the mushroom! (I'm not even sure it's a bike helmet.)
from The Beret Project, although I'm not sure this is really an improvement over the mushroom! (I'm not even sure it's a bike helmet.)
Don't forget the stick-on mustache!
Amanda said:
Well technically I did ask for options that wouldn't make me look like a mushroom, so this fits the request! Not sure I'd be able to ride without a crossiant and an accent though!!
Reba 4.0 mi said:from The Beret Project, although I'm not sure this is really an improvement over the mushroom! (I'm not even sure it's a bike helmet.)
I'm selling a size large bern if you're interested. Although like Michelle said, it is kinda mushroom-headed. Any skate style or zip mold helmet is going to make your head look round and mushroomy. But the sporty helmets make your head look like the Alien. I'd totally rock that weird roman warrior helmet thingy though!!
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