
You have a great thing here with the Chainlink. 

I hope the few don't end up ruining it for the many.

It doesn't take very long in any of the forum threads before …

I was going to go into a long explanation but it's just not worth it.

Thanks Julie, it's been (mostly) fun.

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haha awesome.

Bez said:

We mustn't fight, not today!  Today is Rex Manning day!

It`s just your overall style.

notoriousDUG said:

I dunno, I don't keep a tally.

Honestly I don't get why this dude has his panties in such a bunch; seriously, if somebody could explain to me exactly what I did that was terrible enough to make a person quit I would appreciate it.

Paul Gnarlo said:

dug, is this the 2nd member that you brought to the brink of quitting this forum in the past year?

Whew, thank god this one is Doug's fault. I was worried for a second.


Vilda said:

Whew, thank god this one is Doug's fault. I was worried for a second.

Wouldn`t it be great though, if the knowledge came with a nicer "style" ?

h' 1.0 said:

For me, "overall style" is secondary to having a few folks around who know stuff.

I've seen this on other forums-- folks who are intense about truth and accuracy get driven off because others don't have the knowledge to see just  how far off the 'advice' they're deconstructing really is.

And you're left with much less valuable a resource than you had previously.

In regard to this particular situation-- putting it all on Doug is a load of crap. Michael has had nothing but conflict with other forum users since he appeared here, and plays the part of escalating with passion in every case. And he's one of a handful of users who thinks they're contributing by posting blanket put-downs of the chainlink membership on a regular basis.

I am sorry about whatever life circumstances may have left him with such a limited ability to interact with others before feeling victimized, but I think he probably made the healthiest choice by disconnecting (if not by leaving this thread open for commentary...)

ilter said:

It`s just your overall style.

notoriousDUG said:

I dunno, I don't keep a tally.

Honestly I don't get why this dude has his panties in such a bunch; seriously, if somebody could explain to me exactly what I did that was terrible enough to make a person quit I would appreciate it.

Paul Gnarlo said:

dug, is this the 2nd member that you brought to the brink of quitting this forum in the past year?

I could stop being nice if you like...

ilter said:

Wouldn`t it be great though, if the knowledge came with a nicer "style" ?

h' 1.0 said:

For me, "overall style" is secondary to having a few folks around who know stuff.

I've seen this on other forums-- folks who are intense about truth and accuracy get driven off because others don't have the knowledge to see just  how far off the 'advice' they're deconstructing really is.

And you're left with much less valuable a resource than you had previously.

In regard to this particular situation-- putting it all on Doug is a load of crap. Michael has had nothing but conflict with other forum users since he appeared here, and plays the part of escalating with passion in every case. And he's one of a handful of users who thinks they're contributing by posting blanket put-downs of the chainlink membership on a regular basis.

I am sorry about whatever life circumstances may have left him with such a limited ability to interact with others before feeling victimized, but I think he probably made the healthiest choice by disconnecting (if not by leaving this thread open for commentary...)

ilter said:

It`s just your overall style.

notoriousDUG said:

I dunno, I don't keep a tally.

Honestly I don't get why this dude has his panties in such a bunch; seriously, if somebody could explain to me exactly what I did that was terrible enough to make a person quit I would appreciate it.

Paul Gnarlo said:

dug, is this the 2nd member that you brought to the brink of quitting this forum in the past year?

Once again, the brilliance!

notoriousDUG said:

I could stop being nice if you like...

Lol! +1

Will said:

At the very least, please refrain from posting periodically to let everyone know you're still gone.

Posts like this remind me of the Show Biz Bugs cartoon that terrified me as a kid.

This scene below parallels this post.

ha. i often refer thoughts to that cartoon as well.

but this aesop fable summarizes chainlink (and life) perfectly...


leave meeeeeee 

save yourselllllvesssss

*gets eaten by cars* 

Mega same. MEGA same. 

igz said:


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