Nice first ride in the COLD.


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My first Divvy commute today.  I've ridden Divvy around the loop, but today I rode from Montrose/Sheridan to South Loop at Franklin/Van Buren.  Date night with my wife at Steppenwolf so I didn't want my bike here for reverse commute.  

I was pleasantly surprised with how responsive the bike is. It gets up to speed rather quickly considering it probably weighs 400 lbs.  

Funny the looks received from other daily riders when you pass them on a Divvy; not so cool. I think we (self included) probably see Divvy riders as a sub-class.  

All in all, a nice commute and a good alternative if I don't want the round trip by bike.  I knew it would take just over 30 minutes so I switched bikes at Moody Bible Institute on Wells.

Beats having to take Red Line by a long shot!

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Beats having to take Red Line by a long shot!

Sounds like a good slogan for Divvy to me!

Not today. But I rode yesterday from Naperville into the Loop.

On the way home, rode with westsidecommuters where we took a route I've not been on. I am used to taking Lake street with this group, but on Thursday took Fulton > Francisco > Washington > Pulaski > Madison > Austin. First time on Madison - nice bike lanes, will they be extended to Austin sometime?

And when will these Madison bike lanes show up on Google Maps?

I've just recently started back up riding Evanston-Loop and have totally forgotten everything I once knew about the route (although I'm now doing it reverse of what I always did before).

On an afternoon like today--start of the holiday weekend, hot and sticky--is the LFP likely to be extra crowded, or less so than usual? Trying to decide between lakefront and overland. 

(I rode down this morning. It was sweaty.)


I stay off the path up to Fullerton.  I would expect today to be pretty awful.  The Jazz Festival is starting, the beaches close after this weekend, it is a long weekend and many people might have taken an extra day to make it longer, and with the heat people will head to the beach.  On the other hand, kids are back in school.

I think the odds are with it being pretty awful.

I got home 45 minutes ago and north of Belmont the lakefront trail was pretty light.

Bee caught on spider web:

The photo with the bee is amazing, Gene! Very painterly! 

Thank you, Ann. I would have released him, but being allergic to bee stings - I like staying alive - I did not want to spring one angry bee while I was close.

Anne B. said:

The photo with the bee is amazing, Gene! Very painterly! 

I have been thinking and thinking, and cannot figure out where that is.  Where is it?

Gene Tenner said:


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