So, I was on the Four Star Bike and Chow, and noticed this tourist.  The location was so strange I took a picture.

Any other strange sightings?

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We took pictures of the same guy!  I can't imagine doing 62 miles on a Divvy; I got tired enough on my lighter bike.  I think when I took my picture, he was turning around.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

I saw this guy doing the 62 miles Four Star route on a Divvy on Sunday.

This is him at the Rogers Park water stop.

Interesting. I wonder if they will eventually revise the 30-minute rule after getting more of these stats on usage.

I saw him on the Chicago part of the 62 mile ride (cannot remember where) and on the North Branch Trail south of the Botanic Gardens.  He was southbound and I told him I had never seen a Divvy that far north. He just smiled.  Since the route did not go south on the North Branch, it seems he did not actually do the entire 62 mile route.  No rider number, I note.

Maybe he was a Divvy employee showing off the bike?

I work in the loop, and run errands on a divvy.  I lock it up so I don't waste time walking 2-3 blocks to a station. Last time I locked it up outside of PQM, but I heard a station is going up there shortly

Why would they? They already (kind of) admitted that unsuspecting tourists who get hit with overage fees subsidize the annual memberships. And that is just fine by me...

Heather said:

Interesting. I wonder if they will eventually revise the 30-minute rule after getting more of these stats on usage.

Yeah, they somehow need to make money.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Why would they? They already (kind of) admitted that unsuspecting tourists who get hit with overage fees subsidize the annual memberships. And that is just fine by me...

Heather said:

Interesting. I wonder if they will eventually revise the 30-minute rule after getting more of these stats on usage.

Yes, especially now that I lock my bike in a garage.

I will start bringing a spare lock, or put one in the office for when I ride a Divvy bike, though.

Apie (10.6) said:

I work in the loop, and run errands on a divvy.  I lock it up so I don't waste time walking 2-3 blocks to a station. Last time I locked it up outside of PQM, but I heard a station is going up there shortly

Lol this guy sure did get a lot of attention.

Ha ha, good points about the fees! Silly me.

Duh! I never saw your original post....

Christine (5.0) said:

We took pictures of the same guy!  I can't imagine doing 62 miles on a Divvy; I got tired enough on my lighter bike.  I think when I took my picture, he was turning around.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

I saw this guy doing the 62 miles Four Star route on a Divvy on Sunday.

This is him at the Rogers Park water stop.

I saw one locked up outside the Harold Washington Library despite the fact that there is a station located across the street!

Was it on August 14th?  I wonder if was we saw the same one.

Angie said:

I saw one locked up outside the Harold Washington Library despite the fact that there is a station located across the street!


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