Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode in to MCC from Naperville again. Saw the same huge peloton of riders in Hinsdale as last Friday, heading west on Chicago Ave - this was at 6:10AM. I estimate there were as many as fifty riders or more in this group.
Anyone have any information about that large group ride?

Looking forward to a nice tailwind on the way home.

Eric Peterson

thats so awesome.  We should start a thread for funny conversations with non cyclists or conversations with non cyclists that make us smile. Or do we have one?

Chicago Jen said:

Amazing ride to work this morning. Doubly so because of the following:

(Stop light at Madison and Dearborn)
Police SUV: Excuse me young lady, your brake light is out *big grin*
Me: Sorry officer, as soon as they start making them I’ll get one! *laugh*
Cop: Have a good Friday!
Me: Happy Friday to you too!
Oldsmobile: That guy is having way too much fun at his job. *smile*
Me: It’s Friday, everyone has a better day at work on Friday.
Oldsmobile: You have a good Friday!
Me: Happy Friday to you too. Have a great day!
(light changes)

Completely renewed my faith in humanity. Happy Friday everyone.

I bet its "tower racing".  they have a 6am ride every friday.

Eric Peterson said:

I rode in to MCC from Naperville again. Saw the same huge peloton of riders in Hinsdale as last Friday, heading west on Chicago Ave - this was at 6:10AM. I estimate there were as many as fifty riders or more in this group.
Anyone have any information about that large group ride?

Looking forward to a nice tailwind on the way home.

Eric Peterson

I ride every day.  Usually 15 miles.  Yesterday I did 18.8  Halstead and Randolph, to the lake front, up to belmont harbor, and back.  Good ride.  LFP was pretty empty around 3pm.

Yup. Nice and hot out. Get sweaty.

Yesterday was plenty warm.  16.6 miles, 13.0 Miles an hour average, 1245 Calories burned.  And it felt GREAT.


I'd be highly skeptical of your bike computer.  1245 calories seems way off.  I burn only 700 calories an hour going 20 mph.  (this is calculated using a wattage meter).  

Mark said:

Yesterday was plenty warm.  16.6 miles, 13.0 Miles an hour average, 1245 Calories burned.  And it felt GREAT.


Sounds like yet another good reason to ride at 13 MPH instead of 20!   :)

Scott said:

I'd be highly skeptical of your bike computer.  1245 calories seems way off.  I burn only 700 calories an hour going 20 mph.  (this is calculated using a wattage meter).  

Mark said:

Yesterday was plenty warm.  16.6 miles, 13.0 Miles an hour average, 1245 Calories burned.  And it felt GREAT.



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