Basically, some dudes in a purple tahoe grabbed her while she was on her bike and pulled her along next to the car while she was screaming for her life.
Here's her twitter story, storified:
If anyone can get info or ideas for further help, please share! Be safe out there, friends.
grab this link from CS's FB feed. Lot of factors here. One people suck ass.People in cars and people on bikes. Personal safety is something we all need to practice. As a community we need to react as such. Not by looking to the city government to correct a social problem but look to each other. nothing says equality like duck tapping the perpetrators to an office chair and dragging them around. If jane was to never get back on a bike "I" would understand. life is Beautiful and should be enjoyed not feared every time you need to get from point A to B . Also to add purple / maroon Tahoe in Chicago will not be hard find. Sorry if i don't speak to the LAW and What is right and wrong. Its obvious to me the laws are for citizens people who want to maintain a working community. We are not dealing with said individuals. such a beautiful and helpful person like jane should not be treated like shit ever....
I did a little Tahoe paint color research online yesterday and Maroon/cherry color was stock for 1996 and 97 model years.
Also, here is a Give Forward link for donations
raul said:
Is there a collection fund being established to help Jana with her expenses? If so please post.
Thank You!
Laura said:
raul said:Is there a collection fund being established to help Jana with her expenses? If so please post.
No I mean they have a point, because some bicyclists don't follow the rules, jana should be grabbed and dragged alongside a car, You see, when you look at it from THEIR point of view,
It's time to cull the herd that is your FaceBook friends...
Sue Clark said:
I hope Jana recovers well and quickly.
I have trouble believing people will be so callous. I posted the DNA link on facebook, and one of my friends responded with "well, some bicyclists around here are just really bad and run red lights and etc..." That 'blame the victim' attitude (more than just the one post) was making me livid this morning.
or just realize that your fb friends aren't all cyclists. That's not a bad thing per say, just something to realize.
Duppie 13.5185km said:
It's time to cull the herd that is your FaceBook friends...
Sue Clark said:I hope Jana recovers well and quickly.
I have trouble believing people will be so callous. I posted the DNA link on facebook, and one of my friends responded with "well, some bicyclists around here are just really bad and run red lights and etc..." That 'blame the victim' attitude (more than just the one post) was making me livid this morning.
Culling is a very bad idea. The whole point of promoting cycling is to try to bring in as many people and show that, in fact, bicyclists are not simply a bunch of young, tattooed granola eating antisocial vegans ("YTGEAV"). And to do this, reaching out and making it clear on facebook that you are a bicyclist to the rest of the world (particularly if you are not a YTGEAV) helps everyone realize that bicyclists are just like the rest of the world... they just ride on a bicycle.
Its a hard job and we often make it harder with anti-social group behavior that accentuates differences and make it harder for general social acceptance. Ask your self whether the Naked Ride and Critical Mass aren't, at least in part, responsible for the view of bicyclists are "really bad".
Duppie 13.5185km said:
It's time to cull the herd that is your FaceBook friends...
Sue Clark said:I hope Jana recovers well and quickly.
I have trouble believing people will be so callous. I posted the DNA link on facebook, and one of my friends responded with "well, some bicyclists around here are just really bad and run red lights and etc..." That 'blame the victim' attitude (more than just the one post) was making me livid this morning.
Sure, I can live with my friends not being cyclists.
But wishing harm on my fellow cyclists? I have zero tolerance for that.
Julie Hochstadter said:
or just realize that your fb friends aren't all cyclists. That's not a bad thing per say, just something to realize.
Duppie 13.5185km said:It's time to cull the herd that is your FaceBook friends...
Sue Clark said:I hope Jana recovers well and quickly.
I have trouble believing people will be so callous. I posted the DNA link on facebook, and one of my friends responded with "well, some bicyclists around here are just really bad and run red lights and etc..." That 'blame the victim' attitude (more than just the one post) was making me livid this morning.
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