Ok if you are interested in this ride you have to tell Lee Diamond that Gang of Four should never be classified as NEW WAVE!!! What the duce!@$%

We have drink specials and everything. Come one, come all with your tweed and steeds this Saturday, Saturday, Saturday and no we won't have truckasaurus just lots of booze and bikes!

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a beautiful poster! makes me want to go out and buy some tweed!
I agree with the New Wave nix.
I'll make sure Budda doesn't have any of this on the mix.
I guarantee it.
by the way I should be known hence forth as the Tweeded Mexican.
I shall be there! Indubitably, good sir!
post punk. sorry.
haha...music genres are annoying lil buggers
The irony being that the band most frequently mentioned in reviews/comments about one of my bands is without question Gang of Four.
We're a little off the tweed topic though.....so to get back on course....i will mention that this will be the funnest little tour instruction sheet i have done so far. weeee!
I always lumped Gangof4 into the "proto punk" label.
I lump Tweed into the coolest reason to ride bikes. Oh that and women...
And booze.
a little tweed goes a long ways.....
And women wearing tweed with booze - which can only mean one thing. Lauren Sailor.


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