My old man's hub has been on the downslide for the last year and it seems like it's finally bitten the dust. Anyone have a Sturmey 3-speed hub in working condition they'd like to get rid of? If you're in to rebuilding them, you're welcome to the old one. 

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I don't have a spare for you, but could be persuaded to take your broken one off your hands.

On my way to the train this morning, my fulcrum sleeve crapped out.  Search for that term here:

I need to hunt one down (don't think I have one).  If someone does, my knees would appreciate getting out of high gear.

There is a parts bin full(?) of old internal gear hubs at Working Bikes. I can't vouch for their condition.

Tony, they haven't had 3-speeds in months. Some other retrogrouch is getting to them as soon as they get put out. I go every couple weeks and it's been a real drought. They do have a lot of single speed coaster hubs, though, but I'm not ready to resort to drastic measures. 

I don't know if he will sell parts only, but Quick Release Bike Shop at 1527 N. Ashland has lots of parts for those hubs.

Thanks for the update Ash. Sorry for conveying out of date information. Also, thank you for reminding me of the term "retrogrouch". I would name my next metal band that but people would probably get the wrong idea and expect old music...

Quick Release is completely awesome! Another shop in town that specializes in the old internal hubs is DJs Bike Doctor in Hyde Park.

1500 E 55th St
ChicagoIL 60615
(773) 955-4400

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I don't know if he will sell parts only, but Quick Release Bike Shop at 1527 N. Ashland has lots of parts for those hubs.

There is always ebay. Current pricing on plain vanilla AW hubs is around $10. You'll pay as much to ship it. Or wait until there is a local seller. Some pretty special collector hubs sell for what the basic ones sold for couple years back.

Contact me - I keep a small inventory on hand for parts and all of them work. You can slide the guts into the shell on the current wheel.


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