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Safety first....every time!
Sheer and utter madness!!
Well, by my count, the 3 Floyds Ride suffered four flats, one crash, one eye injury, and one broken chain ring. Because of all the breakdowns, the group splintered off into at least four groups at one point, and I picked up a straggler who left an hour after we did.

Yet somehow, despite all this drama, we all arrived at the turn into the industrial park at the same time. Freakin' weird.

I think arriving at the event on bikes (with one bike being towed in by a rope), and the unexpected hero's welcome that ensued, made it all worth it. I couldn't believe how many people came up to ask how far we rode to get there.

Was it worth the ride home? I'm still debating that subject. That seriously sucked.
i saw a kid at critical mass had the same problem. his buddy was asking if anyone had an allen wrench, i got over there and was like "uh, yeah, an allen wrench aint gonna help you buddy."

i mean the chainring was in like 4 pieces. wtf?
haha. thats how mine was by the end. i rode with it in 2 peices for about 10 miles i think.
Dear God! I don't see any blood, so hopefully no one got hurt.
How the f*** does anyone break a chainring??!! i've broken a crankarm ,and so have a lot of other folks -chains, rims, seatposts, frames... but i've never seen a ring fail! At least like that...

Well done!

o0_dan_0o said:
i saw a kid at critical mass had the same problem. his buddy was asking if anyone had an allen wrench, i got over there and was like "uh, yeah, an allen wrench aint gonna help you buddy."

i mean the chainring was in like 4 pieces. wtf?
my bottom bracket is also a lil loose now. so i think that had somthing to do with it..
Did anyone get a photo while the towing was in progress?
lindz has one as we were gettin ready to start off. ill have her send it in. haha
I will get the picture posted's fucking classic! Also, I plan on turning the fallen chain ring in to a necklace later today!
I'll post a pic of the "chainring grill" later too.

Lindsay E. Stout said:
I will get the picture posted's fucking classic! Also, I plan on turning the fallen chain ring in to a necklace later today!


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