Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode to work both today and yesterday. The normally packed bike racks by my office were completely empty both days, which surprised me. It was a bit windy and also drizzly at times, but otherwise very good riding conditions both days IMO.

I noticed on Thursday night at North and Wells that all the bike racks were filled - in front of Starbucks and Treasure Island. So a lot more people biking!

I rode today... in the mountains 8500+ ft. (Rode my road bike on Sunday but didn't get far!)
I can't breathe as well up here, I am sure the fact that I'm not the best shape isn't helping!

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

A white day--how lovely!

Gene Tenner said:

It was a real sweaty day to ride.  I miss my water bottle holder....  

Agreed... it was a very muggy morning ride for me. I'm glad I wore shorts and a t-shirt for the ride and had my work clothes in my backpack!

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

It was a real sweaty day to ride.  I miss my water bottle holder....  

You guys need to free yourselves! Bring water bottles, heck, bring two. Also, upgrade to a rear/front basket or panniers. It helps keep you cool, as the backpack only traps in heat and causes insane amounts of sweat. 

Great ride today, but I really had to be conscious of not getting too close to car and bus exhausts. They always choke me up a bit, but with the added heat and humidity it was like the reaper grasping my throat. Nasty! 


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