hey ladies,

Julie and I chatted at the last Chainlink bar night and tried to decide on the Ladies Mass dates for the coming months. This is what we're thinking:

Thursday, May 7
Sunday, June 7 (full moon)
Friday, July 10
Thursday, August 6 (full moon)
Friday, September 4 (full moon; first friday)

how do these sound to the group? please PLEASE bring any conflicts—other rides, holidays, etc—to my attention ASAP!

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aha! i wasn't sure what the NSCM ride schedule was. i was thinking for the first friday ride in september that we ought to meet up with the Wicker Park CM; maybe we could also join the Northsiders in July?

Rachel said:
July 10 is also the Northside Critical Mass ride (second Fridays), which runs until about :8:30-9:00 pm.
What time do they start? I'm new on this but want to join!
Hey Lauren - and everybody else - Does the Jam happen when it's raining? I know the Mass could, but maybe this once the sisters could attend a FUNd-raiser for Track Cats - a youth bike-racing org. in Chicago. They are screening Warriors at Goose Island (1800 N Clybourn) at 6 pm. Lauren, I couldn't find your number, but mine's 617-519-5512. I want to know if you're still planning on riding and/or if the Jam will happen rain or moon-glow.

Hey Ladies!!
Are you still on for August 6th? Where do you meet? I'd be glad to join ya'll
Who wants to plan one of these again? In October 2008 we had probably 30 women on our first ride (well first ride I was on at least).


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