Nice first ride in the COLD.


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"future maps" seem to indicate this storm but it would appear out of nowhere although the build up looks to be happening now around madison.

From reading the various forecasts, it seems that this system is the kind that allows nasty storms to pop up out of nowhere.  It also makes it hard to know precisely where they will pop up.  I am hoping to make it home on my bike, but we should probably all keep watching that radar and using best judgment based on how far and where we ride.

Gin & tonics out on the lake?

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

From reading the various forecasts, it seems that this system is the kind that allows nasty storms to pop up out of nowhere.  It also makes it hard to know precisely where they will pop up.  I am hoping to make it home on my bike, but we should probably all keep watching that radar and using best judgment based on how far and where we ride.

A glass of wine right after I double up the dock lines! :-)

I biked this morning.

I will probably be bike-swimming this afternoon.

Projected radar for 5:00 pm.

Suddenly glad that my dog ran out of food this morning.  I opted to drive to the train (which depressed me, Bike to Work week and all) so that I could stop at Costco and get some after work.

I'll ride in the rain, and I'll ride in a thunderstorm, but big hail and high winds may have made me hail a cab.

Heres a kind of cool satellite picture of whats going on. Its just cloud formation though

That's neat. You can even see the disturbances on the west and the south of the cloud formation.

Davo said:

Heres a kind of cool satellite picture of whats going on. Its just cloud formation though

I like it, thanks!

Davo said:

Heres a kind of cool satellite picture of whats going on. Its just cloud formation though

Lovely ride Southbound on LFP.  20 MPH tailwind.  Righteous!

Agreed. Plus, free coffee!

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Lovely ride Southbound on LFP.  20 MPH tailwind.  Righteous!


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