For Sale, Chrome Fortnight Backpack (black)

So yeah, I got this backpack about three weeks ago, but it's a little too big for me. I'm thinking I'd like to go with a Yalta bag instead. This bag has lots of room and pockets for organizing your stuff. 

I've only had it for about three weeks, so it's in pristine shape. It retails for $180,, and I'm asking for $120, the retail price of the Yalta.

I don't have any pics, but all the info is here:

Send me a message if interested, 


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I'll give this another shot, it fell off the front page really quick
ok last attempt here...
$100, take this off my hands

Vondo -- 

Still have that bag for sale?   


Sorry, I should've posted this earlier, but the bag has been sold.


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