
Does anyone know of a formal evaluation of the new bike lanes in the Loop. The media covered the lanes when they were installed a few months ago, but I haven't heard much since. I have seen them in use and used them myself, with reservations on both counts: How do we share our ideas with the city for this effort?


For my part, I've seen some close-calls near Dearborn and Randolph when taxis use the bike lane to line up for fares. The result was blocking the bike lane and also part of the auto lane. I've contacted one restaurant (with a positive response), but know that this is a larger matter. Throughout the city, when cars use bike lanes, bicyclists need to use the auto lanes if they want to proceed.  In this case, the "testing" status of the new lanes prompts me to raise some questions.





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Hi Jim, there has been much discussion about Dearborn in another thread, which I'll bump for you. As much as I love riding it every day, I agree there are many problems that still need to be addressed. I don't know of any formal evaluation by CDOT but I know they're constantly monitoring it in person and perusing "customer feedback" through use of forums like this one. The quarterly Mayor's Bicycling Advisory Council meeting is coming up, and I'm planning to raise Dearborn as a discussion item at that time. The meeting is open to the public. I've bumped my MBAC thread on that issue as well.


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