Any recommendations for a cheap, small, light-weight helmet to use with Divvy? (I will be cycling on some heavily trafficked streets to get from a Metra station to my place of work and would like to wear a helmet. I'd be carrying the helmet in a shoulder bag during the train ride.)

Also, do the lights on the Divvy bikes look sufficient for night riding, or should I plan to supplement?

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The only real consideration you should need to worry about is "does it fit well?"  There's a good description on the Divvy page of what constitutes a "good fit," and Google will have many other similar pages.  Cheap, small, light-weight and well-fitting should be pretty easy to find.

Also, this article might be worth your time:

There's some new styles of helmets being introduced that might significantly decrease the chance of brain injury in some bicycling mishaps.  They are not cheap (relative to standard style helmets).

Try a Yakkak helmet -- 2 helments in one (stylish and funcitonal).  I love mine...

I bought a Schwinn skater style helmet at Target for $26. It's yellow (my favorite color), light-weight, comfortable, a good fit, and I think it looks better than the typical bicycle helmet. I don't mind wearing it at all. I'd rather be in a helmet then be in a puddle on the ground!

Thanks for posting that "Bicycling" article, Andrew!  It made for an interesting read.

There is a compelling rebuttal to some of the article's points, however, here:

Thank you for posting that; I hadn't seen it previously and thought there were some good points.  It's been a few weeks since I read it, but I definitely wish the author of the Bicycling article had included some more counterpoints and opposing views.  Like many topics bicycle-related, I will still take some small satisfaction in that at least there is a conversation happening on the subject.

Thunder Snow said:

Thanks for posting that "Bicycling" article, Andrew!  It made for an interesting read.

There is a compelling rebuttal to some of the article's points, however, here:


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