How do people here feel about people riding skateboards in bike lanes (in the Loop in particular)? I bike commute 2 or 3 times a week, and the other days I skateboard to and from the train. Technically, I believe the City considers skateboards the same as bikes, as far as riding on the sidewalk (against the law if you are over 12). And some pedestrians dislike sharing the sidewalk with skateboards. I don't think I would object to skateboarders in bike lanes. But I'm interested in how other cyclists feel.



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The roads are for everyone! Drivers, riders, and boarders all help pay for these streets. As a skateboarder, cyclist, and former driver, everyone needs to help each other get around and be conscious of those around them B] Plus the bike lane is much safer for them. I'm happy to see a skater in the bike lane any day. After all... They let bikes ride in the skate park. 

Skateboards with smaller wheels (<55mm) are highly susceptible to small pebbles.  Hitting a small pebble can make you come to a sudden skidding stop and fall pretty badly.

When I see skateboarders in the bike lanes, I think it's terrifying and dangerous.  Especially at night.  There's lots of debris in the streets, and if you can't see it clearly, you are eventually going to fall.  When there are cars and bikes around, that doesn't seem like a risk worth taking.

Same rule applies as in all areas of life--Just Don't Be a Dick About It. ;-)

Seriously, though--hold your line, check before you stop abruptly, we're all good. Human powered transportation rules!

I don't mind them.  I just slow down and wait for a safe time to pass.  I would rather the person be skateboarding than driving a car.

I commuted by Longboard for the last 2 months.  Today I was told by an 18th district sergeant that municipal code 9-80-200 means that Longboards cannot be used on the street.  I was riding on the right hand side of the street, the same place that cyclists ride.  He told me I could use it on the sidewalk but a longboard is no good on the sidewalk. 


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