Ok, I know I had mentioned in another thread about how I don't care for those velcro strap thingies to keep my pants out of my drivetrain. Well, on Saturday, I almost totalled myself when my chain grabbed my pant leg. I went down, but my helmet and a little luck prevented any serious hurt.

One ruined pair of pants and a little embarrassment later, and I have reconsidered the whole "geek strap" thing.

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Roll the pants man! Drive side pant ride is a fashion statement.
haha...gotta represent!

h3 said:
Drive side pant ride is a fashion statement.

Depends on which side of Central Park Vando lives on . . .
HA I am west of central park.

h3 said:
Drive side pant ride is a fashion statement.

Depends on which side of Central Park Vando lives on . . .
Hey only U.S. Army Paratroopers are allowed to blouse their pants!!!
Now drop and give me 20 Leg!!!
( Leg; non Airborne )

BK said:

I use blousers. They're a military item and I see they go on Amazon for a whopping 65 cents. I like them because they hold their elasticity and don't come off.
Winter riding is about survival. Traction on the pedals is fine. Boots are warmer too. What works works. NYTime today has a Style Section article on bicycle fashion regarding the Amsterdam bicycle. Note they have chain guards as permanent fix for your problem. Also skirt guards. I'm sure it could all be made of carbon fiber for weight weenies.

Vando said:
Just reading that makes me worry thinking about what kind of traction you get on your pedals... I wouldn't have the "cobbles" to ride like that.

David Travis said:
This winter and all through our raw spring, I'm wearing riding (cowboy) boots. Perfect for tucking in your pant legs. Don't cleat on, however.
ive had that happen befor as well...was in a hurry to get home...was gettin ready to cross a street...pants caught...cars comming...pedal harder...rip pants...about wreck...it sucked...never again will i not roll that pant leg up. haha.
Yeah, no need to tuck or buy a thingy for $7 or use a rubberband. Just roll a few cuffs up on one side - wear a wacky colored sock. Actually I do like my velcro reflector, but often misplace it.

Guys in the military wear blouses?
Rachel is right, the solution is better more attractive socks. J sells them in his Hyde Park shop. Brava lady.

Rachel said:
Yeah, no need to tuck or buy a thingy for $7 or use a rubberband. Just roll a few cuffs up on one side - wear a wacky colored sock. Actually I do like my velcro reflector, but often misplace it.

Guys in the military wear blouses?
Don't know about the paratroopers but some guys use them to make a neat looking crease on their trousers instead of tucking them into their combat boots.

Rachel said:
Yeah, no need to tuck or buy a thingy for $7 or use a rubberband. Just roll a few cuffs up on one side - wear a wacky colored sock. Actually I do like my velcro reflector, but often misplace it.

Guys in the military wear blouses?
I tend to always have balloon twisting balloons with me...they work really well for holding pant legs as well. I've also used them to tie down lights and to make other minor repairs. However, I'm assuming most people doing have a stock pile like me.


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