'Tis the Season! Trail Riding at Kickapoo State Park and the L.A.T.E. Ride!

A few friends and I are going to Kickapoo State Park this month to hit the trails there and get some RnR.  Anyone ever been, or wanna roll with us?  We are leavin on Friday the 26th and returning Sunday the 28th.

If you've been there, any tips?  I can't flippin wait, I was there yesterday to do some Recon... it was 80 degrees and beautiful.  I also registered for the LATE ride today... looking forward to that after Bike The Drive.... GOOD TIMES!

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matt - sounds great. maybe post on the chainlink group (and join if you are not a member) "Pitching a Tent". that way as the date nears, others can find and follow the thread easier ?


Just my $.02

Kickapoo is a gem. The ponds are man-made (quarries I think?) but still beautiful in the setting. Be mindful of where you're at, my fiance and I got lost on the MTB trails (we were hiking not biking), many trails criss-cross and weren't marked well. We almost had to spend the night in the park, we ended up having to bush wack out. I've spent several weeks in the backcountry in the Sierras, Rockies, and Cascades, so I'm not generally an idiot when it comes to directions either. Anyway, enjoy.

There are four of us going so far.  The more the merrier!

I'm thinking about going. I probably won't bike, but I might canoe.

If people are interested, I have room for at least 2 more, 3 if you don't mind squishing, and can bring a bike rack.


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