Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I don't know why, but I love biking in the rain. Maybe it's because it justifies all my rain gear purchases, or because it feels like I am giving the weather the middle finger by riding in it anyway. Feels good, man.

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

Waterproof gear and an extra pair of socks just in case (which I had to use). The rain was the fun part, why isn't anyone commenting about that wind!

-WSW at 26 mph
-gusting to 43 mph
Sweaty, tired, and ready to kick ass when I arrived at work. For the ride home, im just going to use my rain jacket as a sail. 

Wind between 7:30 and 8:00 was out of the east at only about 10 to 12.  Go to work earlier! ;-)
T.K. 6.5 mi said:

Waterproof gear and an extra pair of socks just in case (which I had to use). The rain was the fun part, why isn't anyone commenting about that wind!

-WSW at 26 mph
-gusting to 43 mph
Sweaty, tired, and ready to kick ass when I arrived at work. For the ride home, im just going to use my rain jacket as a sail. 

Agreed, getting your dollars worth to justify all those expenditures rules. 

Ive been trying to see more of the positive side of things lately. Instead of giving the weather the middle finger, I think of it more in terms of getting it on with mother nature. 'Feels good, man' still applies. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I don't know why, but I love biking in the rain. Maybe it's because it justifies all my rain gear purchases, or because it feels like I am giving the weather the middle finger by riding in it anyway. Feels good, man.

I bailed out this morning and paid Metra to get me to work.

Maybe I'm just turning into a ninny as I age, but I believe that the biggest danger of riding while it's raining is that the cagers simply don't expect you to be out there, and so aren't looking for you (even less than they already do).  That, coupled with their compromised vision makes it more challenging to ride in the rain.  We often ride at the edges of their vision to begin with, and rain on their windows only makes things worse. I trust that everyone who rode today had lights a-flashing and wore high-visibility gear, even if it wasn't dark.  

Check your bike light batteries this evening, charge or replace them if warranted.  It looks like it will be wetter than drier all week.

Tried out a new rain cover on my pannier bag this AM - success!  Anyone see the gusts potentially reaching 60MPH this evening? My boss relayed it to me, but I can't find anything out of the ordinary on

Actually saw two (2) bike commuters on my way to work this morning.  That's some kind of record.

I saw several on the LFT.  They all passed me. :-(

A handful on Elston this AM - passed a guy in sweatpants around Logan Boulevard  :/

Since I start in Wicker Park and have such a short ride to the Loop, I always see bike commuters--even in the dead of winter.  On nice days they seem to swarm out of the woodwork.  Today was not one of those days.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Hit a few gusty cross-winds this morning on Wells just before turning onto Kinzie. Otherwise, a bit damp out, but a good commute.

Made it in before the lightning and thunder and most of the wind although a big gust almost knocked me over at the corner of Kinzie and Dearborn.  So we will see what develops and whether the bike stays in the office tonight. ;-)  Hope you later folks are okay out there.


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