North Riverside: Harlem & Cermak--Bike Crash This Morning?

As I was getting ready for work around 5:30 this morning, WBBM-AM radio was announcing a car-bike crash at Harlem/Cermak with "a mangled bicycle" at the scene. If anyone lives out that way, do you have any further news?  Is the cyclist OK?

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This leap to a faulty conclusion isn't helping your case. Why would you conclude from my statement that I would have any desire to get hit by a car? If there is traffic that has the green and I'm at or approaching a red light, I'm going to yield the right of way every time. 

Mando said:

Then be my guest and blow through red lights, let me know how my credibility holds up vs. 3000 lbs. traveling at 40 mph.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

You totally undermine your credibility when you spout nonsense like this. 

Mando said:


Anytime a bike rider blows through a red light or breaks the rules of the road it gives us (bike riders) a bad name.


I overheard a gentleman, yesterday on my way home, say to his walking companion "That is the first bicyclist that I have seen come to a complete stop and get off of his bike at a stoplight today."

He continued to say " That is a really sad statement."

Then he turned to me, as they crossed in the crosswalk infront of me, and said " Thank you, son, for doing what is right and obeying the law."

I said, "You're welcome, Sir." and waited for the green light.

I didn't realize it then, but a few blocks further, I felt really good. Something that I do all the time (trying to be a good example to my son, and anyone else) was finally noticed. I was a little bit prouder.

Don't get me wrong, I am always proud of what I do (good or bad).

How many cyclists doing-the-right-thing will it take to change a person's perception of cyclists, when all they see is the ones doing the wrong things?

I know that it will only take a few, if it's the other way around.

Just putting in my $.25-worth.






I made a huge mistake because here I am arguing with you about my “credibility”. Credibility regarding what? Who knows and who cares. What your petty, splitting-hairs argument is doing is deviating from the original reason I posted anything in the first place and that is “Why this man died like this and how can this be prevented from happening again”.

Look man I'm sorry if “I'm harshing your mellow with all my rules” and with my “credibility” aside, my suggestions as to how to fix the issue are sound. The suggestions I posted will improve things, not degrade them. If this comes at the cost of people in bikes following the rules of the road so be it. If this comes at the cost of adding brighter street lights or a traffic signal at the place where this happened, so be it.

The point is something should be done to help prevent stuff like this from happening again on that section of Harlem Ave. I'm tired of hearing about people getting killed in my neighborhood. So go ahead and pointlessly argue and question my so called “credibility” all you want, I on the other hand will see what I can do to bring some awareness to this problem so it does not happen again.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

This leap to a faulty conclusion isn't helping your case. Why would you conclude from my statement that I would have any desire to get hit by a car? If there is traffic that has the green and I'm at or approaching a red light, I'm going to yield the right of way every time. 

Mando said:

Then be my guest and blow through red lights, let me know how my credibility holds up vs. 3000 lbs. traveling at 40 mph.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

You totally undermine your credibility when you spout nonsense like this. 

Mando said:


Anytime a bike rider blows through a red light or breaks the rules of the road it gives us (bike riders) a bad name.


Well, the cars are going to have to start driving a LOT safer for me to change my perception of them. How about we start there?

Not sure if I missed something-- how do we know that the cyclist was not well-lit, and not otherwise following all your advice, and not just the victim of an inattentive or reckless driver?

Actually, if we're going to go there-- how do we know the victim was riding his bike?

Mando said:

I made a huge mistake because here I am arguing with you about my “credibility”. Credibility regarding what? Who knows and who cares. What your petty, splitting-hairs argument is doing is deviating from the original reason I posted anything in the first place and that is “Why this man died like this and how can this be prevented from happening again”.

Look man I'm sorry if “I'm harshing your mellow with all my rules” and with my “credibility” aside, my suggestions as to how to fix the issue are sound. The suggestions I posted will improve things, not degrade them. If this comes at the cost of people in bikes following the rules of the road so be it. If this comes at the cost of adding brighter street lights or a traffic signal at the place where this happened, so be it.

The point is something should be done to help prevent stuff like this from happening again on that section of Harlem Ave. I'm tired of hearing about people getting killed in my neighborhood. So go ahead and pointlessly argue and question my so called “credibility” all you want, I on the other hand will see what I can do to bring some awareness to this problem so it does not happen again.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

This leap to a faulty conclusion isn't helping your case. Why would you conclude from my statement that I would have any desire to get hit by a car? If there is traffic that has the green and I'm at or approaching a red light, I'm going to yield the right of way every time. 

Mando said:

Then be my guest and blow through red lights, let me know how my credibility holds up vs. 3000 lbs. traveling at 40 mph.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

You totally undermine your credibility when you spout nonsense like this. 

Mando said:


Anytime a bike rider blows through a red light or breaks the rules of the road it gives us (bike riders) a bad name.


+1 billion

h' 1.0 said:

Would be nice if nobody would post the victim's name to this thread, so the victim's friends/family don't have to wade through an internet screaming match when they search for information.


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