I bought this helmet online and it turns out it's a little too big for me. It's a small, and I should have ordered an extra small. The helmet is purple and the removable visor is white. I have worn it twice; it's basically brand new with maybe one minor mark on the helmet (because of that I'm selling on CL versus returning to the retailer). I can give it to you in the original box.
I'm asking $30.
Product details from Bern, including a sizing chart, can be found here: http://www.bernunlimited.com/Products/Helmets/Berkeley?helmetType=Bike
The link above didn't work for me, fyi.
I'd buy it from you since I have one now and love it but I'm an XS too.
Thanks, Julie. Here's an updated link from the Bern site: http://bernunlimited.com/shop/bike/berkeley.html
It's so cute! I want to wear it but it wobbles on my head. Gotta get an XS.
It's still available, if anyone wants it!
Oh, and originally I posted on Craigslist and got no takers, hence the reference to "CL" in my original post. Oops!
If you have the luxury of having a winter helmet and a summer helmet, the small works with the winter kit. I bought one with the winter kit and it fits fine. It is too big without it, but I knew that when I bought it.
Is the winter kit something I'd buy from Bern? Maybe I can keep it after all ... I do have a lighter helmet that I normally wear that's good for summer.
That said, I'd still sell it if someone wanted it!
I bought mine from JC Lind Bikes, but Bern has it on their web site:
I have to warn you that the thing is really warm and I found it too warm over about 25 degrees!
Thanks!! This is good to know.
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