Has anyone every biked and locked up at the Cell?  I usually get there via public trans, but am thinking of riding to Wednesday's game.  Does anyone know if the racks are in a location where security mulls around?  The web site says that there are racks at gate 5 (across 35th in the lot) and between gates 2 & 3.  Just wondering if anyone has any particular concerns...

On a related note, does anyone want to go to the game?  I have an extra ticket for Wednesday's game 4/3 which is a 1:10pm game.

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There are racks across the street on 35th, just west of the pedestrian bridge. Ive locked up there with no issues. Like h' pointed out, its a public, visible, and busy venue, so you should be safe. 

Thanks for the insight, all.

I usually park at the racks on the southwestern corner of the field. I'm not sure of the gate but its next to the employee entrance. It gets crowded, but its pretty good.

Want to improve bicycle access and bike parking for Wrigley Field, too?  We have a petition to convince Ald Tunney and the Cubs that bicycle, transit, and walking access should be stepped up before turning Lakeview into a parking lot.  Check it out and please sign here http://www.change.org/petitions/alderman-tom-tunney-chicago-cubs-do...

I didn't really care for the racks on 35th. They are pretty much right on the road and not in a very busy spot. The racks between gates 2 and 3 are right by the employee entrance and I saw some employees locking up there. That's where I ended up locking up. Like Paul said, it was crowded. Lots of bikes.


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