The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Good luck, sounds like a great ride in the making.

Ranelle Kirchner said:

About to venture into the warmth. That's right, warmth. Goal today: 27 miles for 27 years

happy you are ok.


Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Dear The Chainlink.  I never thought it would happen to me.

I was riding with my friend on Division, when a man in a cage turned into the path of my bike.  We made eye contact, which is usually a pretty great thing.  But instead of stopping, he continued his turn, hitting me almost directly in the side. 

The impact popped me up out of my pedals, down onto his hood and finally, as he hit the brakes, I rolled down into the street.  It was all kinda slow-mo for a second, then sped way up when I hit the pavement again.  When I got up, he slowed down to ask "are you okay" - and I replied "I don't know, I guess I'm okay".  So he drove away.  Given my mental state at that moment, I didn't think to ask him to stop or take any information from him.

Minor frame bend (I can live with it), two slightly bent rims (trued now, thanks Rapid Transit on North).  My thumb feels kinda terrible and my knee hurts, but I'm alive.  So happy Friday, and thanks, all-knowing universe, for not destroying me or The Best Bike In The Universe.  Point made.  I'll go slower on Division from now on.

Did you ever get a hold of a tandem? 

Ranelle Kirchner said:

About to venture into the warmth. That's right, warmth. Goal today: 27 miles for 27 years

I hope all limbs, digits feel OK when you wake up tomorrow.

Chi Lowe

Glad you got through that with no major damage.
Get out and ride today! It is super bike pedal play day after so many winter gray rides.

Chi Lowe - that is crazy scary and so glad to hear things are not as bad as they could have easily been (KOW). I hate that adrenaline ramp post fall and never knowing how things are. It took me 4 hours post my 25 mph fall (thank god no vehicles involved) for my arms and torso to start swelling. Adrenaline is one helluva drug.

Btw initial X-rays didn't show a thing, but I had a micro fracture that got picked up a few weeks later. Take care and heal

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Blue skies, blue water, golfers, and proposals.  Spring must be in the air!

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

for more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Was some crazy wind today Gene! It was good to see you at Montrose harbor.

'Twas my pleasure meeting the two of you. As I rounded the point between Montrose Harbore and the Pier I got hit be a huge wave and then another, so I had to cut my ride short and head for warmth. Events like that sure get my adrenaline flowing.

I made it between the waves at Fullerton narrows, but the Oak Street curve was strewn with ice boulders you had to thread through while being swept with waves.  Topped off with a giant wind blown sand bar across the trail just before Navy Pier.

I think I'm going to head home on streets until Belmont or so tonight.


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