Hi--  I'm a senior biker and I biked for a week in the West Bank last fall. It was an amazing experience led by Siraj Center.    Search "bike palestine" for info.  A guy from England led it, and we were 7 intrepid bikers tackling many hills but also learning history and culture from super guides.  Cost was $1400 for week--everything included, especially van and professional bike guide, Nidal.  I highly recommend it for all but be prepared for hills and more hills.  I'd put some pictures here, but have to figure out how to do it. My email is clea2000@comcast.net if you want to contact me.  Peg

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User has only one post – this one. This is likely spam. I don't believe there is a report spam button built into Ning, however.

I can't imagine a spammer would bother to fill out profile information. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. The trip sounds kind of great.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

User has only one post – this one. This is likely spam. I don't believe there is a report spam button built into Ning, however.

I meant spam in the form of advertising.

Per the forum rules:

Marketing is for the Marketplace. While we encourage all users to share their experience and ideas about services and products they have used or bought, this is not an appropriate place for advertising, promotion, campaigning, sloganeering, recruiting, lobbying, soliciting, marketing or proselytizing. At times, whether something is marketing or campaigning or not is a fine line. To that end, please use your best judgment, and we will use ours. Posts that violate these guidelines will be removed.

Does not seem like advertising to me.  Sounds like a really interesting trip.  Peg, uploading photos is not too hard.  I am a computer idiot and I figured it out.  I hope you can post some.  Welcome to the Chainlink!

Luckily you did remind us earlier this week that you don't like to complain, otherwise I'd think you were.

I think that sounds like an interesting trip. I find it neat that it is not the usual biking vacation destination either.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

User has only one post – this one. This is likely spam. I don't believe there is a report spam button built into Ning, however.

Well, Global Guy figured out who I was (at least in some sense of myself), and kudos to him! I think I figured out how he knew about the seminar (which was a trip with lectures) I co-led.  This is NOT the picture I would have chosen!! Thanks, Global Guy--whatever..  Peg

Not a spammer at all. I've had lunch at her house and would love to someday do the ride she has gone on. I recommedned she share her experiences and the amazing ride she has done.

Although I appreciate chainlinkers concerned about keeping the forum free of real spammers trying to offer us free laptops, best protocol is to email mods@thechainlink.org if you have a concern.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

User has only one post – this one. This is likely spam. I don't believe there is a report spam button built into Ning, however.

Hi Julie-- I figured out how to download photos and added some.  How do I get in touch with Paul,, or should I wait for him to contact me/? Hope you are doing well--are you married yet, or still planning the event?   Best,  Peg

That little taste just whets the appetite for your presentation!

Peg is giving a presentation about her trip on Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chicago Public Library Lincoln Belmont Branch:  http://www.thechainlink.org/events/program-on-bicycling-in-the-pale...


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