Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I couldn't feel my toes after 10 miles into my ride. Stopped to warm up at a Firestone tire place and I carried on.

Other than that, all was well.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

I rode today, it was very nice. I even took the Yuba!!

I wonder why that plant still has all of those colors.  As to the others, finally it looks like winter!  I especially like the frozen fountain with the water still running. ;-)
Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

I am amazed every time I go by them at the Diversey Harbor parking entrance. It is always a joy to see something so colorful on a drab and dreary day.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

I wonder why that plant still has all of those colors.  As to the others, finally it looks like winter!  I especially like the frozen fountain with the water still running. ;-)

Yep.  Warmer today.


Yep, six miles to a job interview.

One that went well.

It pays to ride in the cold!

3.2 mi. Yes! Just got home, I work B shift. Look for blowing snow overnight.

I am still going strong, for my first bike winter EVER !

Froze the cajones off during the first part of this week. Still "tweakin' an' peakin'" the clothing options. Glad to have the Topeak MTX trunk, just in case I have to "drop" a layer.

Finally broke down and bought some biking pants (Novara, I think?). MAN ! I should have done that some time ago (Like DUG told me in his class) ! Plus, I bought a pair of insulated & Gore-Tex Vasque hiking boots (for hiking/camping/biking). Another fine choice. Last, but not least, bought an XL Dakine mitts (w/ liners). Was a bit awkward at first (and still is, at times) but now my hands are nice and toasty. Just as are my feet and legs. AWESOME !!!!!

Doubled up on the balaclavas. Using a Carhart one over one made by Willow (Blue Monkeys - My favorite).

Produces quite a bit of condensation, and they fog up my military goggles too quickly. Tried a new set of goggles (Novara, again, I think?) and those lasted for about 8 miles before I had to stop to put them up on my helmet. Showed up to work with frozen eyebrows and eyelashes (along with some ice on my helmet where the Carhart balaclava vents upwards near my ears). No big deal.

I hope that everyone is having a great time so far this winter.

Wishing you a Great Day/Night/Week/etc !!!






Nice work Manny!

This morning was not bad.  Wind on city streets minimal.

Is the LFT closed at the Oak Street curve? It looked so bad I didn't want to chance it but I thought I saw a few people head down that way.Switched to inner drive at Oak St.

I rode today because of this: Weather Channel app said winds from the NW @ 13mph this morning, changing in the afternoon to ESE @ 10-20mph. For someone who commutes southbound in the morning and northbound at night, it sounded like a little piece of heaven. The weather practically rode in for me!


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