Needed: 105 Double 5600 (or newer/better) Front Derailer

Bah!  I am building up my newest commuter.  Found a used groupo off ebay, lined up a buyer on my current bike, and just ordered my frame, headset, and brakes from my LBS.  

However, in doing some research on actually building the damn thing, I found I've made a tiny mistake.  My FD is a 34.9 clamp....the Surly Crosschecks are 28.6 Diameter.  

So I ask, does anyone have a spare double Shimano 105 (or better) Front sitting around.  Need it to be able to support a 10 speed, so Tiagra/Sora will not work as a replacement, IIRC.  

Gonna call Yojimbos tomorrow and see what they have lying around...any other places I might be able to pick one up on the cheaps?  

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Gotcha. I will make an effort to not covet your Crosscheck build. 

2. Post some pics when she is done please.

TehDoak said:

The bike will primarily be a commuter, but I plan to use it for weekend riding, centuries, and maybe even a couple day touring ride in the future, so I'm going for the wider range.  

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Perhaps this is a sign that you should consider simplifying your build. 5 gears is 2 to 4 more gears than necessary for commuting in Chicago. 

I think that's being a bit too glib.  Sure Chicago is mostly flat but the depending on the wind, you may want that granny gear when you're head into a 20-30 mph wind.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Perhaps this is a sign that you should consider simplifying your build. 5 gears is 2 to 4 more gears than necessary for commuting in Chicago. 

I recommend avoiding clamp-on fds and only purchasing braze-on fds + braze-on adapters from now on.

the fd will be compatible with any seat tube (so if you change frames the group/fd is still compatible) and adjustments are slightly easier to manage.

I like this adapter the best:
also, do you have a standard double or compact?

I have a FSA compact braze-on you can have.

William: I will be running a Truativ Elita Standard crankset, so I don't believe that will work for me.  

Thanks for the help everyone, especially Dug for looking up the cost of it new at Rapid Transit.  Smart bike parts actually had a few in stock at a killer deal.  Wewt.  


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