Some of you likely noticed that has shut down*, stating "This has always been a side project, and unfortunately I do not have time to properly maintain the site or the service."  There's a TCL thread about it here.

But I still regularly hear need for such functionality.  People are muddling through using Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr.  But I could easily render it with** so I want to explore the issue.

This is probably contentious, so let's stay focused:

  1. Is it legal?  LAWYERS please: No public expectation of privacy versus publishing license plate numbers?  You tell me.

  2. Is there already a good place/way to post such photos?

* You can still see what looked like in the internet archives here.

** can automatically post emailed photos with geolocation.  It'd work exactly like the abandoned bikes reporting here:
If it's legal and not already well done, I'd add an address like - just need a better name, and to be sure it's not a terrible idea.


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ORD is the airport, not the city of Chicago.

Thunder Snow <1.9 miles> said:



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