Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Oh no, it was not too cold to ride.  Chicago Cycling Club had its "Weather be damned" ride today starting at 10:00 a.m.  I think it was about 19 or 20 at the start with a little north wind.  I actually had on one layer too many.  Hands were hot with double mittens. Only feet were a little cold.  It was a beautiful day for a ride!

Tomorrow morning will be COLD! Got all my good gear ready to go.
Be warm and be careful.

I wussed out this morning, and decided I needed a little more nap time on the train.  I do have some lined wind pants on order.  Maybe that will get me out in the 13º temps...

Not too bad today.  A little chilly, but I could have gotten by with one less layer.  

Not bad at all.  Added boot covers, face mask, on extra shirt.

My layering skills are finally getting honed in for my 4th year of Winter biking!

Just for fun I started growing some facial hair recently. It got covered with some ice particles this morning. Made me feel like I was on an expedition to the north pole...

My feet were cold even with wool socks, shoes and neoprene booties. Booo!

Maybe (in another thread?) we should discuss the options.  One thing I learned from internet-bob folk wiser than myself over the past week or two is that the placement of a vapor barrier is key.  If, like now, evaporation is a real possibility, then the vapor barrier (highly technical term for a "baggie") should be next to your skin to prevent moisture (highly technical term for "sweat") from evaporating.  In damp weather, it should be outside your sock to prevent infiltration of outside water.

That said, I have yet to test either placement personally, as I wussed out this AM.  I welcome inputs from others who might have tried this...

Jim S said:

My feet were cold even with wool socks, shoes and neoprene booties. Booo!

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Goggles! And a wool scarf somewhat loosely tied over the lower half of my face.  Layers were right, double mittens worked again even though it was colder than yesterday, but FEET!  I wear regular winter boots and I am thinking that I might be layering socks to the point where there is not enough air space in there.

My first winter, and I am glad to know it has not gotten too cold to ride yet.

I caught a flat two blocks from a new year's eve party, which I patched inside drunk, and it managed to get me home but was flat by the next morning. Pretty cool time, all told, I think, in my opinion. 

I wore too many layers today and was really warm when I arrived at my office. Although my commute is very short from the Union Station. The few miles from my house to the local Metra stop had my eyes tearing up though.


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