Looking to talk with Chicago college students who are still biking to campus in the winter

Hey there,

I'm looking to talk with some Chicago college students who use bikes as their main form of transportation and are planning to ride their bikes in the winter (as it gets colder, that is, I know we've had some really great biking weather lately, especially today) for a possible article.

Let me know here or send me an e-mail at erine.vogel@gmail.com.



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I think a lot of campuses have a "Office of Sustainability" or something similar that might help you find students interested in bike commuting.  http://sustainability.uchicago.edu/

That's a great idea Elizabeth, thanks!

DePaul has a bike club on campus called Cycle Collective that you could contact and possibly interview some of them.

And I am pretty sure that Columbia has something like that and that someone on the Chainlink is involved in their "Office of Sustainability".

Also, try the Green Cycle club at Northeastern.

Thanks Sophia!

Sophia Robinson said:

DePaul has a bike club on campus called Cycle Collective that you could contact and possibly interview some of them.


Kelvin Mulcky said:

Also, try the Green Cycle club at Northeastern.

Thanks for the heads up - I've been using this and I've already got in touch with several students that way.

Anne B. said:


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