Vote by 12/2: Slogan for Anti-Dooring Campaign (Look Chicago)

We had an outstanding response to our call for our dooring awareness campaign slogans. Thanks to all who participated!

The slogan wil lbe included in driver and cyclist-focused educational materials as soon as January or February 2013. Look Chicago has narrowed the field down to the top six choices for selection. We will be adding verbiage around 'it's the law' for whichever selection receives the most votes.

Now it's up to you! This is an easy way to begin to make a difference. Vote by December 2

The winner slogan submitter will receive a free pair of Keen pro shoes.

Interested in Look Chicago? Check out our Chainlink group for details. 

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I took the anti dooring slogan survey, made my choice (#4 Look! Doors kill) clicked on Done and got a response that this survey requires an answer so I did it again and got the same message. This illogical computer stuff is WAY too confusing.
Thanks for the heads up. We fixed the survey and it should be good to go. If anyone else has issues please let us know.


Who is the slogan aimed at?  Some seem to be for drivers, others for cyclists.

Ideally our group is looking to target cyclists, drivers and pedestrians because all play a part in dooring. Whether driving a car, riding a bike or using a cab you can be someone to stop dooring crashes.

Our group page has our mission listed that highlights our approach.

Great question and thanks!



Done and done.

Just a head's up to anyone that might run into the same problem I did - the actual drop-downs don't work (at least not in Chrome), but you can click on the different options and drag them up or down on your screen.

I didn't see the numbers in chrome. They were all black.

I'm still stuffed from stuffing

I am the worlds biggest fan of headcheese!



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