Raleigh Rush Hour 2009

KHS Flite 100

IRO Mark V

So I have been debating (much like Vando) about buying a new bike and I'm nearing the end of my fundraising ( aka freelancing) .So my question is this.

well which one do u guys think is better? and for specifically what reasons? best beginning components? best frame? I can't really tell the difference at the moment.
I've only ever seen the khs and raleigh in person, and only rode the raleigh so far. Does anybody have any experience with them?

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yea i might just buy another of the saddle I've been using on my grand prix, a e3 saddle, it's worked out pretty well for me. Currently I think the saddle is comfortable enough. I haven't gotten to ride it very long with the weather, only like three days since i've had it.
Interesting about the tires Ali.

I've a pair of Zaffiros on my road bike that I've probably done at least 500 miles on since I got it on Jan 1st (they were stock on the bike).

I've never had Zaffiros before, so I can't really knowledgably speak of their quality, but I wouldn't doubt that maybe you just got tires from a bad batch or something along those lines.

Ali said:
Congrats...She is a sweet looking bike. You might want to swap that saddle out sooner than later, and if those tires are Vittoria Zaffiro's you might want to look into replacing those as well. I had a set of Zaffiro's that lasted me a grand total of 150 miles before they were too shredded to use...But those are all expected changes in any pre-fabricated bike...Just my 2 cents...

That is certainly possible, but I personally think that the tires are my only real connection with the road, I prefer good quality tires. I also learned from working as a bike messenger that a good set of tires will go a long way compared to a bad set. What you end up saving upfront, you will sooner or later spend in inner tubes and CO2 refills...So I just rather spend $40 a tire to get good ones,(Buy your tires online, a $40 dollar tire online is $65 in a shop...) as I said I rather spend my time riding rather than fixing flats...

That is certainly possible, but I personally think that the tires are my only real connection with the road, I prefer good quality tires. I also learned from working as a bike messenger that a good set of tires will go a long way compared to a bad set. What you end up saving upfront, you will sooner or later spend in inner tubes and CO2 refills...So I just rather spend $40 a tire to get good ones,(Buy your tires online, a $40 dollar tire online is $65 in a shop...) as I said I rather spend my time riding rather than fixing flats...

yea, i never actually ahd a problem with the zaffiros on my blue bike
what i HAVE had a problem with were the serfas tires I got when I got a new wheelset. . speaking of shit tires. those things got punctures from pebbles. .


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