Lost/Stolen: Surly Steamroller. 52cm. Maroon. Brooks Saddle. Black bar tape. LOGAN SQUARE

Hey, everyone.  New here.  I've followed all the necessary steps (poilce report, bike registry).

My bike is a Surly Steamroller.  52cm, maroon in color, with a worn out Brooks brown leather seat with yellow tape stuck to it.  Black Fiz-ik bar tape.  Standard cages.  There's a dent on the top tube, pretty small.

My bike was...stolen yesterday (Thursday, August 16th @ ~9AM).  In Logan Square at the intersection of Belden and Talman.  Technically it's mostly my fault.  I was loading shit into my van, got a phone call from work and got distracted.  Drove away and realized but when I got back it was too late.  I've put up some crude posters in the area.  I've been scanning Craigslist non-stop (Milwaukee and Madison as well) and checking eBay, too.  If anyone sees it please contact me at steinamic@gmail.com



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It never did turn up.  Just bought another one for fairly cheap.  Thanks for asking, though.

As for the dent, it's on the top tube, about 6 inches back from the stem.


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