Trying to help someone who locked their bike to a bus stop sign at Sheridan and Balmoral get it back.  As far as I know there is still absolutely no system in place for getting a bike back once CTA has seized it.

I'm pretty out of touch with that part of town these days.

Can anyone tell me which barn the 136/147/151 buses work out of?

Bonus points if anyone can get me a direct number to that barn.

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One of these days, maybe someone will get around to filing an illegal seizure suit against them.

It looks like the CTA lost & found page has the info you need.

I hope they paid him for the lock.  Bastards

h' said:

Somehow the victim figured out that the condo building that the bike was locked in front of cut the bike off and put it in their storage.  He has it back.

Yes, that's right, a condo building on Sheridan thinks it's within its right to cut bikes off of curbside CTA signs.

With apologies to younger and more sensitive readers, that's fucked up.

h' said:

With apologies to younger and more sensitive readers, that's fucked up.

One should probably be more concerned about the older and more sensitive readers ;-)

h' said:

With apologies to younger and more sensitive readers, that's fucked up.

I would actually describe it as theft, with later regret.


h' said:

Somehow the victim figured out that the condo building that the bike was locked in front of cut the bike off and put it in their storage.  He has it back.

Yes, that's right, a condo building on Sheridan thinks it's within its right to cut bikes off of curbside CTA signs.

With apologies to younger and more sensitive readers, that's fucked up.

If, in fact, it was cut off and taken from a curbside location by the Condo, I would file a complaint for theft with the Police. That is, without question, theft.

My mom lives in one of those buildings on Sheridan, I call it "Cancun", because it feels like a resort in a generic tropical destination.

A lot of the seniors have clout in those buildings, and are usually members of the Condo association. They love to whine to the management about stuff like this, and how they pay assessments, etc. So my guess is that the dumb (mobbish) management, tells the maintenance people to take care of it just so they shut up.

Not a justification, but a very likely reason of why things are run like they are in those buildings.

That or there's a rogue bike lock cutter in the building!:)


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